Why Brother... Why?

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Rip my schedule, schule has started lol

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     Glancing again at the human, who was staring at Herobrine in shock, Notch spoke again, "Bind his ankles, and wind more chains around him. Heal the human, but keep him bound. We ride out in thirty minutes."

     With that, Notch turned on his heel, leaving the soldiers to obey his orders as he went to calm down a little ways from the small 'camp' of sorts.

     He would interrogate his brother later...a harsh job...but it had to be done. The voices of his people cried for justice, for a reason their loved ones had died...and they deserved answers...deserved justice.

     And no matter how hard it would be...they would get their justice...



Why, brother... Why?

    Steve watched in awe as the First Ruler strode away, then glanced again at the other immortal, now lying, slumped, on the ground. Truly there was no equal to Notch...

     Following Notch's instructions, Steve was hauled up, dragged away from where Herorbine was now being picked up, wrapped in more shining chains. The soldier dared not struggle in the hands of the Valkyries, only watching with wide, frightened eyes until Herobrine was out of his sight.

     Wasn't...this what he had wanted? For this crazed immortal to be captured or done away with so the world would be safe again?

     Then...why did he feel so worried?

     Why did he want so badly to help the broken immortal he'd only just began to uncover...despite everything that...monster had done to him?

     A soft command to kneel reached his ears, and he reluctantly forced himself to look at the ground, shakily, carefully, obeying. Hands and fingers prodded at the arrow in his upper back, making Steve squirm, grimacing. A sterner instruction to stay still sounded above him, and he obeyed again, trying to stiffen against the pain of the arrow being gripped.

     And then tugged out.

     He managed to smother his yelp of pain at least...

     ...hopefully, the rest of their ministrations wouldn't hurt too badly.


     It wasn't long before Steve found himself being helped onto a horse behind another soldier, gritting his teeth against darting pains in his upper back. He was now, unfortunately, shirtless, but the bandages winding about his upper torso kept him...moderately covered. Salve and healing ointment had been smeared over the cuts adorning his form, and already he could feel the warm numbing effects kicking in.

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