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Welcome To the newest chapter of 'Fallen Honor'!! Vote and comment if you DARE! 

*slight wArNinG for battle scene descriptions*

The art above was drawn by Annkh-Redox (She's amazing) Again, I'm hopefully gonna get me a better drawing program and start churning out my own stuff...so this is temporary (and friggin awesome).

PLEASE check out her art at -  https://www.deviantart.com/annkh-redox



          Dyle raised his sword as lightning struck a tree behind the army with an earsplitting, CRACKKKKK!!!!!!!

          His horse reared and bolted, "Chaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrge!!!"

          Bowstrings released with a thrumming hum as the soldiers behind him roared, raising their blades as one, and starting after him. Arrows hissed viciously through the rain. The pounding of the soldiers' boots was a deafening answer to the sky's thunder.

          To his thunder.

          It was a salute to death.

          White, shining eyes opened to the army before them.



          Within the ranks of charging soldiers, about eight rows deep into the mass, a young man of about twenty-two years of age struggled under the weight of his ill-fitting chest plate and too-big helmet. He was small for his age, and muscle didn't come naturally on his thin frame. He kept tripping over his iron sword, though his equipment wasn't the main reason for his stumbling.

          He was terrified.

          His heart pounded against his ribs, sweat drenched him, though he couldn't have gotten much wetter. The rain made sure of that. An overdose of adrenalin had his senses on overload, he heard everything, smelled everything, saw everything.

          The first of the screams rang out, bloodcurdling and full of agony. The general Dyle had fallen.

           He wasn't going to be the only death, that fateful night.

          The young man shuddered violently at that scream. He gasped and panted, bit back a scream of his own as his stomach lurched. He tried not to think about the meal he'd eaten just a few hours before.

          It could very well have been his last.

          More screams and wails now answered Dyle's final cry. Soldiers at the front of the ranks were being tossed in the air, the lightning illuminated their twisted bodies as they plummeted back to earth.

          The young man finally tripped and fell flat. He was up and running again before he even registered the pain of the fall. He spat out mud and winced as a raindrop landed in one of his blue eyes. Dirt smeared his once-shiny chest plate and cyan tunic. The soldier next to him, an older man, slowed his pace to match the young man's, "Boy, you've got to keep up or risk being trampled." The older man panted, his footsteps pounding in time with his deep breaths. The young man nodded wordlessly and tried to increase his pace, but it was so hard.

Fallen HonorWhere stories live. Discover now