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I wanna make it LONGER but if I do, I won't pOst iT


Another chappie, we wrappin' this up quicc




     Herobrine's gaze snapped to Notch. Inwardly, he could already feel Steven's presence soothing, numbing that harsh anger, that hate he so despised.

     Notch's hands again pressed down on the table, and he stared into Herobrine's blank eyes with intense purpose.

     And...with that gaze, a tinge of fear permeated Herobrine's lost soul.

     Notch's first question pierced his heart.

     "Why, brother...why."




     "...even after clearing nearly five temples and gatherings... I still didn't notice a difference."

     Herobrine's voice was subdued, head lowered slightly as his lost gaze focused on the cracked stone floors. He no longer struggled in his bonds or shot insults after every other sentence. Rather, he acted drained, weary.

     It had been nearly an hour since Notch first began his interrogation, and even Steve had begun to slump on his bench, still weak and tired from surviving in the Second Ruler's grasp for so long. However, thanks to the soldier's presence, Herobrine's mind was a little clearer, less poisoned by darkness.

     Notch had been quiet, listening as his fellow creator admitted to his horrendous crimes. Of course, Herobrine added the reason he might have acted thus, as it was the only conclusion to his sudden rebellion. He'd agreed with Herobrine, much to the latter's surprise, but the mass murders and vicious attacks still weighed heavily on his heart.


     White eyes flicked up, meeting his.

     " understand that I... I may not be able to save you from this."

     Notch sighed, leaning on the table a bit, gripping it till his tanned knuckles were white.

     "If I cannot remove this darkness from you... and if Steven here is not a reliable way to keep your anger in check... then I will have no choice but to—"

     "...seal me away from the minds of men."

     Herobrine's voice was... reserved, low, when he interrupted, "I know..."

     Steve's head lifted, confusion morphing his face as he looked back and forth between the two.

     "Sealed... sealed away?"

     Two pairs of immortal eyes turned to him, making Steven wince.

     "Pardon me... but I just, I don't understand. It's not his fault, he didn't mean to become evil... And he might be able to get that kindness back, right? With me?"

     "That darkness you mention feeds from my very thoughts, mortal. The nightmare has entrenched itself too deep into my soul, it is too late for me... As for your offer, did I still not harm you? Did I not threaten your life every minute you were in my grasp?"

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