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I don't have much to say so...

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          The being frowned as he heard Steve's shriek, looking down at the falling mortal. The agonized scream lasted until the man hit the river and was lost from sight. The being turned his back to the river, mentally picturing the curve in the river that would catch any survivors. A maniacal grin split his face, revealing four sharp canines along his upper and lower teeth. Focusing on his destination, he warped away to the river's bend, concealing himself among the sharp stones jutting out of the ground to the left of the rapids.

          He would wait with the patience of a stalking predator.

          Neither man would escape alive.



          The freezing water hit Steve's back like a wagonload of bricks, then sucked him, down, down, down, into darkness, only to spit him back out again. Steve was rolled along helplessly, battered by underwater rocks until he was covered with bruises.

          His head shot above the surface and he gasped for air before the river shoved him down again. His ears were filled with water, he kept swallowing it, he didn't know up from down. All around him was a confusing blur of foam-whipped blue, he could only shut his eyes tightly as he was dragged to whatever fate the rapids thought adequate. The thundering drowned out his weak cries for help as he surfaced and was dragged down again.

          Suddenly he was hurled into the air, then his stomach dropped as he began to fall. Again, the water stung his back and knocked the breath from him. Waterfall, it had to be.

          It felt like forever until Steve finally felt solid ground beneath him. Battered and weak, his stomach suddenly clenched and he gagged, bile stinging his throat as the water was forced from his gut. Coughing, he used his shaking arms to push himself up, forcing himself to his knees at least. Hands still resting on the ground, he panted, willing strength into his arms as he moved them inches at a time, the sharp gravel cutting his palms and gouging his knees as he crawled away from the raging water. Some sort of bend or sand bar must have caught him.

          Taking deep, shuddering breaths and beginning to shiver from the wind and freezing water, his mind went off like a beacon.


          His body must have been caught by the sand bar, it had to be. If there was even a chance his friend was still alive, Steve would find him

          He had to.

          His teeth chattering with cold, the young soldier stood shakily, then bent forward and hissed, clutching at his left knee. Looking down, he saw blood seeping from a ragged cut on the side of his knee, blood soaking the torn fabric of his pants. Inspecting his arms and the rest as he straightened, he noted the many bruises and cuts that adorned his body.

          He shook his head. Enough about him. He had to find Ezan.

          Turning about, he swept his eyes along the long stretch that cut into the rapids, looking for a sign.


          A flutter of white.

          Steve gasped and staggered towards it. Yes, Ezan, it had to be. There was so much red too, but he'd find a way to heal it, he always did—

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