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     Calm, peaceful quiet.

      Those three words were the best descriptors Steve could come up with to describe his new home. Nestled in pine trees, with giant windows that faced a sprawling, sparkling lake... it was almost too big, too much of a gift.

     Built in the style of luxurious noble houses, but not overly gaudy, with a style that reflected his preference for log cabins, it was the finest thing Steven could ever call his own.

      But even as he lounged on the window seat, eating a dinner he could not truly enjoy as he looked out over the lake, he couldn't help but agonize over what Herobrine must be going through. The Second Ruler had told him that being separated from Steven caused his anger and hate to return...

     ...Notch please don't let him lose his sanity.

      With a sigh, Steven set aside his plate, knowing he couldn't finish it, just like so many other past meals. It had been nearly four months since Herobrine's banishment... and every moment tormented Steve with ceaseless wonderings.

      Brushing off his lap, Steven stood with a grunt, face set.

     He was healed, and well. His bruises had faded and the scars he'd earned in battle, emotional and physical, had receded.

       Notch forgive him...

     ...he was going to reach into hell and bring back what had been sealed away.

      After all, if he couldn't save the Fallen Ruler... then who would?


To be continued...

Gosh... Thank you for sticking with this story. I'm listening to the above music and I just,,, wow. Another one down!! I'M A WRITER!!!!! I did it!!

Of course, I have to move on to the second to Officially End it all... but for now, I've done it.

I can do it, I can finish others too.

Tune in to Fallen Returned, coming soon to a Wattpad near you, to finish this adventure with our favorite Minecraft characters.

Thank you guys, for following my writing journey, I hope to see you farther down the road as well :D

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