Unseen Pain

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Hey! This chapter is short, but it will offer a bit of insight into Hero's past!

I had a rough time writing it and didn't want to push it further. I think I'll update Snowball next...ack I hate stress.

Vote, comment, and enjoy!


~Far from the barren land of the Dark Mountains, in Notch's Palace, in the center of the Capital~

Unseen Pain

          "There was no way we could have saved that division—"

          "There was a way! Had we sent in a few Valkyries, we could have at least wounded him! But no, you have to keep your precious 'dying species' safe while humans take the brunt of his blade!"

          A tall, dark-haired human argued with a taller, brown-haired winged form. The human wore tough iron armor trimmed with diamond, the Emblem of Notch emblazoned on the chest and back. A deep grey cloak swirled away from his strong, well-muscled arms as he flung them up to make a point.

          The winged form shot back, "You and your abominable human stubbornness! Can you not see that if he were to wipe out the elite forces, nothing would stand in his way, he would storm our most strategic forts and bases! Perhaps even the Capital itself!"

          The Valkyrie was taller by the human by a head, but this did not intimidate the man in the slightest. Silver and golden armor of special lightweight metal from the Aether bound the Valkyrie's lithe, strong form. However, his wings were left free, and they twitched as the Valkyrie grew angrier, white, and brown-patterned feathers making soft rustling noises with every movement.

          Notch sighed as he listened to them argue. The human and Valkyrie glared at each other over a sturdy wooden table overflowing with maps and charts. The room was lit with a beautiful, glowing stone from the fiery Nether dimension. A large, white, dark grey, and gold tapestry bearing Notch's emblem hung on the leftmost wall, whereas on the right, the iron bar meant for a tapestry, hung empty.

          Notch stood at the head of the table, leaning on his muscular arms as he studied the site of the most recent slaughter. 3,480 soldiers out of 3,500 all lay dead on the fields before the Dark Mountains. None had escaped, tracks of around 20 soldiers had been seen leading into the barren land of black rocks...and none led out. A scout had found the gruesome carnage and had reported back immediately. Notch tuned out the yelling as it began again, dragging a hand down his face. Ronan, the commander of the entire army of humans, was right. They couldn't keep this up....and yet...there was no other way to keep Herobrine away from the villages. They simply had to send soldiers, or he would leave the mountains, leaving a trail of blood and blackened ruins.

          "So, we humans are supposed to continue dying agonizing deaths on bloody, Notch-forsaken battlefields, as you live in safety and comfort!? My soldiers are being massacred, Agrior, rivers running red with their blood! At this rate, our species will die out before yours!"

          "ENOUGH!" Notch thundered. Captain Agrior and Captain Ronan jumped at the voice and bowed their heads immediately. Notch felt his temper flare, the stress was getting to him, but he pushed it away, "Enough, arguing will get us nowhere." He turned his back to the table, deep grey cloak swirling, his voice shaking, "I will think on how best to deal with m— with Herobrine. I will return...give me a day and a night." Notch headed for the massive, carved doors to the map room, not waiting for the nearby servant to open it for him.

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