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Long time no sorry about that! I went into sort of a slump...for months... It was really hard to write...iDk why

....anyway yEah, enjoy the updateeee! (I listened to the above track as I wrote this...and I loves)



          ...He had felt his brother, in his own territory.

          Crushing sadness, guilt and hope poured over him all at once before he caught himself, walling off the onslaught of emotions, steeling his heart against feeling. His brother was his enemy now...he could not afford to care for him...not any longer.

          Notch stood swiftly, his eyes hardening. His brother had not left those signal-warping mountains for months, what was he doing here...

          ...and most importantly, would he return.

         Notch vanished from his room in a golden flash.

          He was going to get answers, and soon.



          "Left section, mount! Right section, await the command of Commander Ronan! Valkyries, look to Commander Agrior!"

          It was just before the first light of dawn, the sky's light, cold grey drifting into the beautiful rose-gold of a new day. Human soldiers and Valkyries stood in strict rows, all mounted on snorting, eager horses. Silence reigned over the collection of about one hundred fighters...silence only broken by their mounts, as they stamped eager hooves and champed cold bits, causing armor to clink, reins to be tugged slightly.

        At the head of the collection, Notch himself sat upon a stunning golden stallion with a flowing mane and tail of black. It stood still, ears pricked for the signal of its creator, all four, black-feathered hooves like pillars. Notch sat astride it with the cool sternness, a commanding air about him. Buckled about his form was his finest, gold-trimmed armor, underlaid by a tunic of velvety black. A cape of black and gold swept from his broad shoulders, covering the rump of his horse, and his great battle-hammer was strapped to his back.

          There was a battle coming...

         With a soft click, Notch turned his horse about, nodding to his two commanders. In unison, they each raised a fist, flashing the command to follow. Not a single word was spoken as the collection of elite soldiers trotted behind their leader as he exited the walls of his palace, clattering through quiet, empty streets, heading for the city gates. No words needed to be spoken, they had all been briefed the night before.

         Riding ahead, a grim look on his face, Notch rode, stiff and straight, in the saddle. His thoughts were consumed with plans and questions and doubts concerning the energy pulse he'd felt the day before. There was no mistake it was his brother, nothing could match the unique, cool energy that flowed from his form.

         For so long, he'd been holed up in that dark range of black shale mountains, a harsh and barren place of death. The jagged peaks were a confusing twist of earth and rock, scrambling even the strongest of energy signals...

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