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So it turns out...I gots to move in like...a week...and I thought I had two months...

So YE! Know that I won't stop writing, but the updates may come slower. I WILL finish though!

BTW, the pic above was drawn in colored the quality is...bad...I'll have to redo it digitally, but for now, look upon its wonderous glory XD

Vote, comment, and ENJOY!



          Without a sound, the immortal and the faint light of the being's eyes vanished into the darkness, leaving Steve alone.

          Steve bit back a whimper of fear as the blackness closed around him. He realized he was muttering a prayer to Notch.

          He wondered if the creator could hear him from this cold, desolate place.

          Hanging his head, Steve let his blue eyes drift closed.

          He'd meet his creator soon enough.

          He only hoped it would be swift.



          The cold night air enveloped a cyan-clad figure as he appeared outside on a mountain. It did not bother him in the slightest, being immune to intense temperatures served him well during his hunts. Cool wind blew against him, whipping his cyan tunic to and fro, and ruffling his brown hair as his eyes lit up the dark rocks surrounding him. Moonlight bathed his strong, intimidating form in calming light, but he ignored it.

          Beneath him, the demon could feel the human prisoner's rapid heartbeat through the rocks. He smirked, the man had been foolish to inform the being of his fears. A few hours in a dark space, unable to move, would do wonders to the mortal's mind, prepping it beautifully for questioning later.

          The being closed his eyes, stretching out his hearing and feeling the rocks beneath him for signs and telltale vibrations. For now, the immortal needed to forget the human and focus on ridding his lands of the remaining human pests. After he was sure none would get away, he would return and get his answers.

          The human would regret ever coming here.

           A slight tremor in the ground, coming from the east, caught the immortal's attention. His glowing eyes shot open, and a slow grin spread across his face. The heartbeat had been thready and weak, the mortal was most likely wounded. Another pulse from the north also caught his attention, making his smile grow. This one was strong, and on the move, that one would be fun to play with.

          He felt the energy to teleport swell within him, and he appeared with a small cyan flash about twenty blocks from the weak, irregular heartbeat. A large spike of rock blocked out the sight of his prey, but that was no matter, the mortal wasn't going anywhere. Ragged breathing met his ears, and the smell of blood was heavy, making being grin again in delight. This one would be a feast of fear.

          Summoning his pickax, the immortal crept silently around the jutting rock, his eyes flashing brightly in eager anticipation. However, as he rounded the corner, there was nothing. Frowning a little, the being looked about and noticed a large fracture in the rocks, the beginning of a ravine. Ah, the human had fallen. Creeping soundlessly to the edge, the demon peered over the lip. There, he could see the unfortunate human. A male with reddish hair lay, panting heavily, on a section of jutting rock about five blocks in width at the base that tapered to a sharp point.

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