A Dark Path

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Having a lot of trouble writing To Walk lolll so...I got inspired and wrote tHis!

Ik it's short, bUt eNjoY and vOte if yA plZ



          Two cyan flashes and his legs felt like lead, but the grip on his hair kept him fighting to stand.

          The demon huffed, "Open your eyes, mortal."

          Steve hadn't even known he had closed them, and he blinked them open slowly to a familiar...and terrifying sight. Dark stones surrounded them, covered in dying vines and dust. Choked sunlight filtered through the gaping holed in the roof and walls, and dead grass rustled beneath the being's boots as he shifted impatiently. That...smell of death and fear and evil...it surrounded him again, making it hard to breathe.

          It was the place of his first memory...the place he had awoken in so many years ago.



A Dark Path

          Steve's stomach churned, and he managed to whisper in horror, "W-what...w-why have you brought m-me here??"

          White eyes fastened on his face, and the immortal released Steve, letting him stumble back, shaking hands coming up to cover his mouth. Blue eyes roamed the crumbling, grey bricks, the dying plant life, and every lungful of stale, cold air seemed to suffocate him, just as it had when those soldiers had rescued him. The soldier's voice was only a whisper of horror, "W-we need to leave, I h-hate this place please, d-don't make me stay here—"

          "Cease your blathering, mortal." Strangely, the immortal's own voice was rather...odd. It was almost...numb, drained, and yet...calm.

          Steve shut himself up, standing on shaking legs as he watched the demon. He couldn't help it when his eyes darted to the vine-covered exit, but he snapped them back to the being's form as quickly as possible. He didn't wish to get on his bad side again.

          As he studied the immortal to keep himself from looking for a way out, he began to notice the unsurprised way the demon looked about the vile place, his expression calm, knowing. The demon's glowing gaze, however, halted on the black, crouching form of an altar set atop fractured steps in the center of the building. No light fell across the altar, not even a thin stream. Shadow and darkness clung to it, and it wrenched fear deep into Steve's very soul.

          The immortal, as his eyes lit upon the altar, felt the blood nearly freeze within him. The sounds of the mortal's pounding heart reduced behind him to a mere whisper as a flood of memories hit him. Staggering to this place, a book in hand, head aching as he strained to figure out what the words within had meant...

          It was dark, and thunder rumbled after lightning flashed overhead, threatening to strike the towering jungle trees. Rain drizzled down hesitantly, as though not wanting to soak the immortal who stumbled along the jungle path, unwary of his surroundings. The immortal was dazed, glowing eyes staring ahead, yet not seeing the muddy path before him. Large jungle leaves tried to cover the path, as though to keep him from going any further, but he brushed right through them, mindless of their presence.

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