A Place of Darkness

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WHOA TWO CHAPTERS IN A DAY?? Y'all are spoiled.




          The breeze was cool, soft, and it flung his hair away from his face, brushing softly over him. He took a deep breath of fresh air, it seemed to have been forever since he felt it, and he smelled dirt and rain. It was...blissful. He nearly forgot the hand on his throat until it was removed, and he then noticed the rock-like substance that encased his wrists. Squinting hard and blinking, he managed to get his eyes open slightly, turning to look over his shoulder. His heart sank a little, seeing stones were holding his hands firmly behind his back, keeping him standing.

          His eyes rose from his wrists, and he gasped softly. He was on a mountain, the sky brightening with the light of a new sunrise. Mist swirled gently about the tips of many jagged dark rocks, which reflected the orange and purple of the sunrise. There was so much light and color and sound, the soldier could only stare in awe at it, wondering why he was being taken here.

          "Stay here...I will return shortly." Steve startled a little, turning to look towards the demon, but he was already gone. The young man sighed, tugging slightly at his wrists, then forgot the futile resistance as another cool bit of wind flowed over him. Notch, how he'd missed being out in the open air...it would only make it twice as difficult to go back. He sighed, leaning his head down to rub the leather of the muzzle against his shoulder, hating the feel. If only he could have stopped to think about how that one simple sentence could have been taken...



A Place of Darkness


          Steve remained on top of the mountain until the sun was just beginning to grow hot, and then the immortal appeared and took Steve back to the 'throne room'. He allowed Steve to take off the muzzle to eat and drink, and when Steve vowed to keep his mouth shut unless told to answer something, the being grudgingly flung the bit into a corner for "later use". The soldier, after a bit of rock was firmly around his ankle and pinned to the floor, was then instructed to sleep, and he did so, though it took him hours of shifting around on the cold stone before he could properly sleep. He lay, staring in the dark as his eyes drifted closed, thinking about the sky and the sun...and wondering what pain his next waking moment would bring. Unbeknownst to him, he was being watched by white eyes the entire time.

          When Steve awoke, those same eyes were about a block in front of his face and he let out a very un-manly shriek of sorts as he scrambled away, only to be jerked to a painful halt by the stone on his ankle. Steve was breathing hard, staring at the demon with wide eyes, heart hammering in his chest, "W-wha...y-you—" He suddenly remembered the threat of a bit and he clamped his jaw shut.

          The immortal raised a brow, leaning back a bit. Steve noticed he was sitting cross-legged on the ground beside him. What was he up to now?

          "Your scream is like that of a female seeing a spider."

          Steve glared a little, then huffed and, scooting as far from the being as the "ankle cuff" allowed, fully sat up and faced the demon, rubbing sleep from his eyes and trying to hide a yawn. He wanted to ask why the Nether the being had been watching him sleep, but he knew words could make the immortal angered, and remained quiet, folding his arms and shivering a bit as he tried to retain warmth in the cold dampness of the cave.

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