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          The being felt his eagerness for the hunt return to him, despite his injury.

          He decided to strike the five first.

          A flash of cyan, and all that was left on the small battlefield was a broken body, and a few puddles of blood, glaring in the moonlight.

          This night was a night of death



          The being huffed as he tapped his sharp teeth with the bloodied, razor edge of his pick absentmindedly. Before him lay the body of a young woman, facedown, in a red puddle. He had forced her to drown in her own blood. This hunt hadn't been as satisfying as others he'd conducted, as his thoughts had wandered constantly back to the prisoner awaiting questioning within that mountain.

          Well, at least now he could get rid of those nagging worries. The sun was just beginning to crest the dark mountains, bathing the dreadful scene with a gentle gold. Night had ended, along with the lives of every human in his territory. Now, he could return to that mortal weakling without worrying about any humans escaping his 'homeland'.

          Despite being out all night, running, chasing, killing mortals, he was barely fazed, and still had plenty of energy. He'd even managed to heal himself from that annoying wound the fighting human had given him. He'd needed to be focused on healing, not distracted from the pain, to heal it, so he'd waited a bit while stalking the group of five humans.

          Focusing on his destination, the demon warped into the tunnel leading to the captive's tiny prison. It was a small cave with a path branching from it that lead farther into the mountain, down into an even larger cavern. The immortal had appeared purposefully behind a curve in the tunnel leading to the surface, suppressing his energy output, listening to see if the man was still alive.

          The sounds of deep breathing met him, and the dull pounding of a heartbeat. A low moan and a slight shuffling noise caused the immortal to grin, he was definitely still awake, and from the sounds of it, had been unable to sleep all night. Perfect.


          Steve moaned, shifting a little. He was dead tired, his head ached, the cuts all over his body stung immensely. His arm had never ceased its endless throbbing, and would often flare up, sending tingles of pain down into his very fingertips. He dimly wondered why he wasn't dead yet. Perhaps the immortal was gathering undead, then he'd throw Steve to them. The young soldier shuddered, biting back another groan as his arm sent sharp pangs through him. That would be a horrible way to die, being torn apart, able to feel muscle sheared by blunt teeth, torn away from bone...stomach ripped open...

          Steve gagged and tried not to think about it.


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