Agony and Anger

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ELLO! Not ENTIRELY sure about everything in this chapterrrrr buuuuut hope you guys enjoy it anyway!!

Vote and comment plz!

(Sorry about the sLowness...kinda writing what I feel like writing instead of in a forced order lol)

ALSO WARNIN for blood...I turned "mature" on for all the violence...just to be safe. There will still be NO strong language or...ew stuff lolol



          The being disappeared with a flash of cyan, leaving Steve to weakly reach out for the water, which had landed near his head. He grasped it and shakily sat up, hunched from his cracked ribs, popping the cork with his teeth and guzzling the refreshing, cool water. The bread was tough, but nourishing, and he when he finished, he finally like he could sleep. He lay down, careful to avoid the dark spines, cushioning his head on an arm.

          He sent a last prayer to Notch for strength, hoping he hadn't given anything vital away.

          Sleep overtook him within minutes.



           "Guhhh..." Steve awoke to darkness, head pounding. His head was pressing against something hard, and his ribs ached dreadfully. He startled a little, the memory of what had happened flashing through his mind again. His heart thudded as he tried not to move, eyes weakly roving around the cavern he was in. Most of his view was blocked by the sharp spikes of stone the immortal had surrounded him with. Steve shuddered when he remembered the being's dark, chilling voice, saying he was not to touch the stones, or the spikes would impale him.

          The young soldier rolled slightly so his entire forehead was pressing against the cold, hard ground. He was stiff and sore, every breath hurt, and he was thirsty again. Steve allowed another moan to leave his lips as his mind fought to keep the pictures of his friends dying from welling up.

          "N-Notch...please...h-how long a-am I t-to suffer u-under his hand..." He whispered. A few warm tears trailed down his face at the thought of dying in this awful dark place, so full of fear and pain. It would likely happen soon, as he had nothing left to give the demon, no more information that would deem him worthy of life.

          Nothing left to give, that is, aside from an entertaining death.

          The sudden, angry squeak of a bat made him jump, heartbeat quickening slightly. He sighed, literally everything here, every sound, gave him a small burst of adrenalin. He moved a hand up to his heart, feeling it thud against his ribcage.

          He couldn't even treasure the last moments it would beat.

          A slight rustling and chittering sound from near his face had his head jerking up. Steve hissed as his head throbbed, forcing blue eyes open to stare at what had made the noise. The redstone torches did little to nothing in aiding his sight, but Steve caught movement on the floor near his chest. He frowned, then shuddered and cringed away as it brushed against his arm, feeling prickly.

          Pain suddenly blossomed in the man's arm and he yelped, jerking up and yanking his arm back, clutching it and feeling warm blood squeeze between his fingers. Another pinch of pain in his thigh had him gasping again and scrambling back, "W-what—"

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