A Plan

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HOI so YEH I'm back with a NEW chapter!! I really need to write more of this but here goes!

Vote and comment plz!!



           The creature grinned and hurled the body he'd been holding away. That one would be fun to hunt. For now, his thirst for blood and torment had been sated. He closed his eyes and focused on wrapping his body in energy. He flashed away from his spot and appeared in a dark cavern. It was one of the millions the Dark Mountains housed. He chuckled, he liked to keep a few left-over soldiers alive to hunt later. He estimated he'd left about twenty this round. It was less than his usual, then again, he hadn't gotten to taste raw fear in so long, so he'd killed more than he cared to.

          The being smirked again and headed off into a side tunnel branching away from the massive cavern. All but his eyes were wrapped in the thick darkness.

          The hunt was about to begin.



Several hours later...

          Steve lightly shivered. He was sitting under an overhang of dark rock. It blocked most of the rain, but not the cold wind that howled through the ravines and around the sharp peaks of that dark place. Steve sniffed, swiping at his runny nose, then curled his arms tighter around knees folded against his armored chest. He'd barely escaped from the battle, running for what seemed like hours. Running till he could no longer fight the stitch in his side or the pangs of hunger or his tears. He'd fallen flat on his face, gasping for air, his lungs ablaze. After a few minutes, (or was it hours?) Steve finally managed to gain enough energy to drag himself to an overhang about twenty blocks away. He'd been sitting there ever since, not daring to sleep, yet too weary to move on.

          Lightning struck far away. Thunder rumbled. The rain was pattering softly now in short spats. The storm was ending.

          Steve felt his chest muscles twitch, and he glanced down at his breastplate. He'd already checked his wound, which wasn't really much of a wound. A large bruise covered a notable portion of his sternum, making it a bit painful to breathe, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle.

          He, however, was.

          Steve shuddered at the thought of letting his guard down and being caught by the White-Eyed One. He coughed softly, adjusting his position, though the slightest noise could echo around for miles. His stomach growled, but there would be no food for him for at least a few days.

          The rain slowed, stopped, started, and died down for good. A few disobedient drops fell at random intervals, and water still dripped from the dark rocks. The black, angry clouds suddenly parted, and the full moon shone softly down on the shivering young soldier, who paid it no heed.

          A sudden thought struck Steve. He shouldn't stay in one place for too long. He'd just be a sitting duck. As he went to stand up, another idea dawned on him. He should at least try to get out of these dark, barren lands. He didn't have to stay there.

          Didn't have to wait for death.

          He could escape.

          Steve felt hope blossom in his chest and new energy surged through him. He stood on slightly wobbly legs. He needed to stay on the move. Though he hadn't seen any mobs around, he figured it would be safer if he were on alert. He started out, retracing his steps, back the way he'd come, constantly scanning jutting stones that glistened like diamonds from the rain and moonlight, his heart hammering. The sharp rocks scattered about the ground jabbed his feet through his boots, he'd be sore very soon. Steve suddenly realized his chest plate and helmet were reflecting the moonlight. He was a walking beacon.

          He cursed softly and quickly ducked behind a rock, contemplating what to do. If he removed his breastplate and helmet, he'd have to leave them behind. He'd be extremely vulnerable, but he wouldn't be spotted too easily. If he kept them on, he would be easily seen, but have at least a little defense from mobs or the demon.

          Steve raked his fingers through his hair in frustration, "Ugh...what do I do..." He muttered. He turned to look at the moon behind him and sighed, "Notch help me..." He reached under his right arm and undid the buckles on the straps holding his chest plate on, then unclasped the ones that ran over his right shoulder. He shrugged it off, catching it and easing it against the ground before it hit. He hissed as his chest throbbed a bit, then reached up and eased his helmet off. His sweaty, dark brown hair flopped into his eyes as he laid the helmet beside the breastplate. A cold breeze blew against his still-damp shirt, causing his teeth to chatter. Steve stood and stared at the armor for a second, then took a deep breath.

          There was no going back.

          He turned and continued down the dark path, still illuminated by the moon.

A few miles away in a dark ravine...


          An armored form was running through a narrow ravine. The breath rasped in her throat and she stumbled for the umpteenth time. Her iron boots made clanking sounds as they pounded against the dark rocks of the ground. She'd lost her sword, but it would do nothing to help her.

          She was going to die.

          She risked a look over her shoulder but saw nothing. She increased her pace, though she knew it wouldn't do her any good.

          Running would do nothing.

          She was going to die.

          She tore her gaze away from the rocks behind her, focusing on the path ahead. She skidded to a stop, terror in her eyes, heart beating a rhythm of fear.

          A jagged cliff face rose into the night sky, barring her path to freedom.

          Her path to life.

          She was going to die.

          A dark chuckle behind her made her go stiff with fear, the hairs on her head standing up. She shuddered, not daring to turn around. Soft, yet powerful steps neared her from behind. She whirled, found nothing, and backed until she hit the canyon's dead end.

          For her, it would really, truly be a dead end.

          She shook with uncontrollable fear, heart pounding against her ribcage. Her lips moved as she unconsciously mouthed prayers to Notch.

          Her final prayers.

          She was going to die.

          She scanned the narrow ravine, sharp rocks like the teeth of demons drawing evil shadows about her, tricking her eyes and doubling her already-frantic heartbeat.

          A sharp pain blossomed in her side, growing and growing, faster than she could register. She let out a choked scream and crumpled to the ground, face plowing into the sharp gravel lining the bottom of the canyon. She hardly registered the pain it caused her face, the agony digging deep into her ribs was too much to bear. She felt life slip from her as her vision blurred.

          A blue-clad figure with blank eyes moved into her deteriorating field of vision. His wicked smile was the last thing to fade from sight.

          She gave a final gasp and lay still.


YE so that was...dark. Hope you're as eager for the next chapter as I am! The female soldier's death was to kinda help show what Steve's fate could be...He was planning to hunt down any soldiers attempting to escape...and our little, weak Steve is going to be in heaps of trouble if he ever happens to run into him.

Vote and comment if you like and all that, please! It means a lot :D

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