Chapter 57- And There Was the Worst Prince of Deltora

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Tonight was the last "free night" before we would all return to Mettling High. Henry, Hazalen, and even Jack and I sat around with a bottle of xamba juice. It was the perfect way to end our extended break due to the Targle Event, and I was ready to return to as much normalcy as possible.

"I have a contract with her!" Henry argued with Hazalen, in a quarrel like no other. Though they were only cousins, they acted as if they were siblings.

"Liar liar, your too gay for the empire," she rolled her eyes at him, shaking his head. Jack and I shared a laugh, viewing Henry's flabbergasted face.

"I went through so much for you. I swear I'm never appreciated around here." He flipped his non-existent long hair,"Annalise, can you grab the briefcase for me?"

"You have a briefcase?" Jack stared at his brother like he didn't know who he was.

"It's on the top of the closet." Henry ignored his question, taking another sip of the alcohol. I nodded to him, going to the closet in search for the 'contract'.

The sight before me was marvelous: rows of suits and handkerchiefs were color-coded, fine silks and patterns I hadn't seen before. I felt the fabric of a interesting patterned shirt, realizing this designer had to have been skilled.

He only had the finest of clothing.

The sounds of their quarreling faded out as I investigated the closet, opening drawers to find exquisite jewelry. I picked up a gold chain, feeling the weightless material with wonder. I picked up a coin pouch with a silk drawstring, finding an old patterned handkerchief inside. Everything in his closet was eye-catching and divine. I could spend hours in here and never get bored.

I viewed the top layer of the closet, stepping on a stool to find the briefcase.

The diary of Demotis.

Shock swept through my body as I viewed it, wondering how it had gotten here. I stuffed it into my robe pocket, not thinking twice about it. Henry had obviously read his diary as well, and I couldn't figure out how he had gotten it.

It had to have been when I was kidnapped.

I grabbed the briefcase, making a note to put it back up in case Henry realized the diary was missing. When I returned, the cousins were still bickering.

Jack gave me a pointed look, tired of the fighting,"Give him the damn briefcase before I loose my mind."

Before I could answer, Henry snatched it from me, surprising me greatly. He popped it open, pulling out multiple documents before he handed Hazalen a letter and contract.

"She... apologized? I never knew that was in her nature."

"I am not allowed to release the information on her home life, but her parents have taught her the wrong way of dealing with her emotions. Isabelle might be a bitćh, but at least her actions are based on her parents' desires and not her own." He viewed Hazalen's bewildered face with a smile, knowing he did good for his family.

"Are you going to talk to him about it?" I asked, interested in the situation.

Hazalen explained to me that she thought Landon was her soulmate, until he dumped her that is. She said her love for Landon never ceased, no matter how hard she tried to stop loving him. It caused her alcoholism for a while, and it hurt her deeply because he didn't have a clear reason for breaking up.

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