Chapter 25- And There Was The Festival

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I've always heard stories about the Deltora Annual Festival as a kid. How there was food from every country being sold at stands, toys of any kind you could think of. Rare jewels, fake jewels, hand crafted plates with your initials on it; you name it. New technology from across the country, makeup, ideas being shared. People would go to the lengths to take a week long boat just to be at the festival for one day.

And all the chocolate!

I've always wanted to go to the festival. It's been on my metal bucket list (that doesn't exist) since I was four.

But now...

I won't get the chance.

"Mother, by the gods so help me, I am going to that festival wether you like it or not!"

"Annalise Willow Woods!" She started.

Oh I've done it now.

"You will not be leaving my sight, this house, or your room at all! You've really pushed it now honey!" She yelled at me.

"I'm fine! Truly, my concussion is gone. The doctors said so."

"I don't want you around those... savages from other countries. You don't know where they've come from, anybody could kidnap you in the blink of an-"

"Mother, I'll have Hazalen and the prince. There is also security there to watch all the activity."

"What if somebody recognizes us from Descuvi, Annalise? Do you not understand the consequences of that?"

Oh, that's what this is about.

"Nobody from Descuvi could even get to Deltora, mother. They would be rejected right at the harbor. It would be foolish to even try to come here."

"Well, we were able to infatuate Deltora." She exclaimed, annoyed with the argument.

"That's different! We came from Gregerson mother,"

"End of discussion, I've won this one." She said childishly. I rebuttled and slammed the door on her, huffing out like a little child.

All I wanted was to try the chocolate.

The nerve of this woman!

Descuvi's could be anywhere... and the sad thing is, I am so very curious to meet one. I've never officially met somebody from my homeland, nor know any of the traditions surrounding it.

What does my land look like?

From the stories I've been told, there are a variety of beautiful beaches by the sea. Sand so grainy and cream it was almost white. The ocean so clear and blue, you could see the marine activity by looking down.

Picturing Descuvi felt like home, where I belonged. A burning fire in me, waiting to be put out by the crystal waves. My mind immediately rushed back to the man I kept drawing, his eyes with the blue of the ocean and green of the seaweed inside it.

So familiar, just like my imaginary land.

Tap, tap, tap.

The food would consist of plenty of fish and conch, along with the home base for desserts and chocolate. Bakeries left and right throughout the town, new recipes and food to try every day.

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