Chapter 53- And There Was New Beginnings

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Ever since my moving in at the castle, every day was spent with my best friends. School was canceled after the Annual Targle event, but we were starting back in a few weeks.

Once the news spread of the Bendlar clan being eliminated, Deltora had calmed down. Residents roam the streets without anxiety -also reassured that the clan was not Descuvi. The Targle event was canceled for the year, which was a good decision on Deltora's part.

Maria brought me dresses from home, understanding I needed time before I went back. I didn't know if I even wanted to go back, the castle was beginning to feel like home.

"Fill me up another glass of xamba, Henry," Hazalen held out her wine glass, already drunk as a fool. We were eating a picnic dinner in the garden, watching the sunset. Rose bushes grew around us, and the smell of Green season and honeysuckle filled the air. I laid down with a goofy smile on my face, the xamba having an effect. I watched the orange and purple clouds pass by, hearing Henry and Hazalen's banter in the background.

"Well then you can walk your lazy ass to the kitchen and grab another!" Hazalen snatched the xamba bottle from Henry, then all hell broke loose.

"You've had-" Henry crawled on top of her,"More glasses than any of us!"

I giggled as they fought for the bottle, wrestling around the blanket we laid on. I eventually took a chance and grabbed the bottle from Hazalen's outstretched hand, sipping loud gulps. I almost chocked on it, still laying down and admiring the sky.

"Fine, I'll get another bottle," Hazalen huffed out, wiping her bottom and drunkly staggering away. Henry scooted toward me, deciding to lay down with me.

"How you holding up, babe?" He asked me, concerned.

"I'm just taking time to myself. It's crazy how our sky can change to such beautiful colors, don't you think? I believe it is the gods' way of saying that miracles can happen." I took another swig, the buzz reaching a higher point.

"You are very drunk indeed, cloud chaser. But I like the way you think," he turned his head to my direction with a smile. I did the same, laughing when Henry made a goofy face.

"I never thanked you for what you did for Hazalen. I know she's conflicted right now, but finding out about Landon has healed her. Her scar has finally faded," I linked my arm in his, staring at the deep purple clouds.

"I did what I had to for my family. I would do the same for you in a heartbeat," he shook his head, a grin spread across his face. The vibes I felt from being drunk, the wondrous sky, our meaningful conversations- I felt more at peace than I had in the past week.

"The same for me, huh? So you're saying I'm family now." I giggled, taking another swig, then passed it over to Henry.

"Most definitely apart of the family," he picked a rose from the bush behind us, putting it in my hair. I giggled, placing it in a better position to ensure it wouldn't fall.

We paused again, looking back up at the sky. The purple hues were fading, and I wanted the moment to last just a bit longer.

Who knew if I would loose them too?

I grabbed the bottle of xamba, taking a few long sips. The cherry substance hit the back of my throat, causing me to cough loudly. The man lighting torches down the rose path turned to look at me with worry.

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