Chapter 59- And There Was Hazzy

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"We were just acting, did you forget this was drama class?" Jack waved him off as if he was over-exaggerating, trying to make a fool of him.



"In drama class, you portray a character. Instead, I saw Jack Star finally being able to act on what he desired most. This was no scene, but an excuse."

Jack pondered on this, not ready for Damien's quick-witted response. The audience watched, anticipation filled the room -besides Damien's icy stare- for what would happen next.

"What about the act you put on for Annalise? You know you will never be able to marry her, yet you flaunt her around, then hide it from the King." He waves his hands around.

"That one was rude!" Henry interjected. If he had a tomato, it would have been thrown.

"Annalise can decide for herself what situation she will put herself in. Our relationship does not involve you, nor will it ever. I love her, therefore I will not give her up to anybody else. Your words do not concern me."

Damien cut Jack down with one icy look, leaving him with no response. I viewed his thick, furrowed brows, wanting to straighten them out. His large hands barely crossed beneath his elbows, his forearms bugling while bunched together. His eyes told a story of a storm brewing, but his face was as cold as ice.

He turned away to sit back down, not even bothering to look at Jack anymore,"The next time you try to make her think any less of our relationship with your words, or lips per say- there will be consequences. I'm tired of your interjecting where it has never been needed."

Jack jumped off the stage, ready to attack him from behind. "Damien!" I shouted, wanting him to be ready for Jack. As soon as he turned around from my call, Henry appeared in front of him, surprising everybody. He reared up his right hook, landing a perfect punch on Jack's jaw. The whole class gasped, not expecting such a climax.

"That was for Annalise." He shook his hand, trying to mask the pain from his face with a glare. The audience went wild, screaming for Henry and his bright suit. Jack seemed flabbergasted, glancing at his brother like he had seen a ghost, holding his face.

Nobody saw this coming.

Damien arched an eyebrow at me, as if he was asking if I was alright. It felt as if I was stuck in time, the cheering for Henry fading out and it was just... us. I smiled back at him, shaking my head with a laugh- letting him know that Henry's punch made up for Jack's random "attack". He winked at me, and a boyish smile played at his lips. I could tell exactly what he wanted to say, the way he gazed at me warmed my heart.

I watched as he patted Henry's back in appreciation, causing him to rock forward. He was still holding his hand in pain, and I was afraid he might have fractured it. Shortly after, our teacher sent Jack to the principals office, which left one less person for our picnic.


I viewed Annalise and Damien holding hands in front of me, swatting away tree branches to dive deeper into the forest. I grasped onto my basket tighter, feeling Landon's burning gaze behind me. Henry purposely walked in front of me, wanting me to be as near Landon as possible.

Curse him.

Henry let a tree branch fly back, hitting me directly in the face. I gasped out, dropping the basket and feeling my face turn red. A cloth filled with crackers flew out, and I immediately bent down to pick it up.

Something rammed into my behind, and so I stood up again, causing the branch to wack my head from the top. I flew back down to the ground.

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