Chapter 32- And There Was The Blackberry Ball

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I wasn't very happy with this chapter, so I redid it. I hope you like the new version :) I know I do.

We walked through the corridor, arms linked together in sync. We hadn't even reached the ball yet and the Blackberry decorations were stunning.

Wreaths lined the walls in intricate designs, the smell of the season throughout the halls creating a nostalgic feeling in my stomach. The castle Knights were stationed next to each other nearing the door, giving us odd stares.

Two girls on one boy's arm... oh well!

There was a line of nobles and royals waiting to be announced at the steps and a feeling of nervousness washed over me," They didn't do this at the Masquerade ball."

"Well of corse not, the Masquerade ball is more for underage nobles to have fun and mainly to create connections for their parents." Hazalen stood up straighter.

"The Blackberry ball is a bigger deal, especially because it was Queen Katherine's favorite. Now many royals gather in Deltora in honor of her," Henry sighed. He looked to his right and gasped,"Dad is that you?"

Through the armor, I could see the terrified eyes of the man," No Henry, he's inside! Stop scaring them." Hazalen nudged him through her linked arm.

"Hazalen Star of the Star family," the announcer's voice boomed through the ballroom," Henry Star of the Star family," They made their way down the steps with ease.

"Annalise Woo-"

His eyes lit up in shock, and didn't let me finish," Annalise Woods of the Woods family," his voice boomed louder than before, as many heads turned from hearing my name.

I've never had so many eyes on me since the first day of school in the auditorium.

Royals and nobles alike gazed at me with interest, hearing about the rumors of Darius and I. Many gawked at my dress, whispered in each others ears, and stared me down in jealousy.

I caught up to Henry and Hazalen," Your entrance was a lot easier than mine."

"Well of corse Annalise, nobody has put a face to your name yet."

"Or to the rumors." Henry chuckled. I only glared in response, not liking the attention Damien seemed to create for me.

"How lovely to see you all tonight!" Isabelle chimed in. She held Jack's arm closely, providing no way of escape for him.

"Very lovely indeed." Henry ignored her, staring at a man whom had passed behind her.

"Jack, what are you doing with this floozy?" Hazalen rolled her eyes at Isabelle. Her entire body was draped in jewelry, being as her family trademark was known for the finest jewels in the lands.

"Help me," Jack mouthed to me, but when Isabelle looked up at him he plastered a smile. I giggled profoundly, covering my hand over my mouth.

"What's so funny?" Isabelle asked with a sneer.

I smiled with 'kindness',"The fact that you are talking to me right now because you know there is an audience watching. You grabbed Jack as an excuse, then acted like we were friends to have five seconds of fame. Leave us alone, Isabelle. Don't you dare try anything else, because the prince might have your head."

She glared at all of us, dragged Jack and sauntered away. "Period!" Henry almost shouted, and I triumphantly smiled. I would never let Isabelle Daniels walk over me again. The music stopped as the first dance ended, which meant we cut it close on time for the hosts to enter.

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