Chapter 4-And There Was the Revealing Identity

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I saw him before he saw me. Frantically viewing the room for open seats away from him, I mentally scolded myself.

I'm not going to let him scare me.

Yet that is exactly what I was doing. Honestly, I couldn't figure out if it was him, himself that scared me- or the fact that he elicited feelings I had never felt before. I was curious about his confident nature because his presence seemed to command a room. He spoke to me as if he was giving an order, but his smooth lines and voice made me want to answer his questions.

Which is bad.

I had just moved to Deltora, and I didn't want to spend my time fascinated by some silly boy. If I already knew he was trouble, why wouldn't I want to avoid it?

I dashed into a seat, noticing he still hadn't seen me yet. The teacher walked into the room, and I thanked him internally. Greeting the class, he jumped straight into formalities.

"Now as seniors, I have had the pleasure of knowing many of you for a long time. Some of you I haven't met yet, so I would like to get to know everyone better! Please come forth and present yourself to the class."

No, no, no.

"Come on now, we are all a musical family here." I froze in my seat until I realized he gestured to another girl.

This is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me at this school!

"Wait, that's Alexandria. I meant you," He points to me. The whole class turned their gaze toward me, including his.

I slowly rose, my dress scraping the floor slightly as I walked to the front of the room. Feeling all of their eyes on me, a rush of adrenaline shot through my veins.

"Hello, my name is Annalise Woods. I moved to Deltora for my mother's practice, and it's much different from my old home. I plan on staying here for a while." I made sure to look directly at my classmates, not staying on one person for too long.

Until I found his piercing, blue-gray eyes.

His eyebrows were knotted in confusion. He raised his hand that helped me only hours before, "Where did you use to live, Annalise?"

"Um-Isutanina. It's quite small, you might have not heard of it." I nervously looked away from him, hoping the class didn't think anything of my lie. If people found out I used to live in Gregerson, I wouldn't be thought highly of. Not that I'm ashamed, Gregerson has good qualities but it's a very poor kingdom. Deltora is for the wealthy and prosperous- no place for a Gregerson.

And definitely not a Descuvi.

"I know that kingdom. Very quaint, what a nice land indeed." The corner of his lip rose, and a devious glint in his eyes told me the clockworks were working in his brain.

That's actually a place?

"Alright, welcome to the musical family, Annalise."

I didn't care about our "musical family", because all I could feel was his beady eyes staring at me curiously. I knew by his posture, the way his body devoured the entire chair, that the conversation revolving around my homeland was not over.

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