Chapter 44-And There Was The Severed Contract

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Henry Star

I wiped the sweat off my brow as I exited the carriage, viewing the immense mansion before me. Isabelle's house was incredibly large for a family of three. I realized this was common with wealthy people whom manipulated their way into earning profit.

A large house filled with nothing but lies.

Guards greeted me at the front door, immediately noting my presence they opened them. Isabelle stood in front of me as they opened the doors; her hands were perched on her hips with a snarl.

"What a pleasure to see you again, Henry Star." Her facade might have worked on a straight male, but she was not fooling me.

"Let's cut the pleasantries and skip to the true matter at hand. Shall we," I gestured my hand behind her, a smile gracing my face. Her smile, more like snarl dropped, and she turned around with attitude.

"I agree, it will be grand when I turn down your false accusations."

Isabelle led me to her courtyard, a pot of tea waiting for us. I placed the briefcase on my lap as we both took a seat, not letting it out of my sight. She politely filled our cups with tea, not a drop went to waste.

She obviously had the skills to become a suitable wife, but it was her morphed soul that bothered me. Isabelle was very intelligent, but she used her brain for personal gain in a disgusting way. She had so much potential, yet she wasted it on manipulation instead of helping others.

"What do you want from me, Henry Star?" She offered me sugar with a sweet smile.

"I come here today with the concerns of Landon Apa. It is to my belief that the relationship severed with his ex was because of you," I dumped five spoonfuls of sugar in my tea.

Her head straightened and she sat a bit more stiff in her seat. I could tell she wasn't expecting my response, which wasn't surprising.

At first, the news of Hazalen and Landon breaking up was startling to the school. Hazalen and Landon were respected by teachers and students alike: Landon is the Prince's best friend, and Hazalen is a beauty from a high-ranking family. The two dating were quite a power couple, especially because it is obvious that Landon will be Damien's right hand for the kingdom.

This was enough to make Isabelle jealous, knowing that Hazalen and Landon would have such power in the kingdom.

A week after the two separated, new rumors and gossip had quickly spread. It was as if the news of their break up had dissipated into thin air, not wanting to be looked into.

I've finally reopened the case.

She giggled,"Why would you think that?"

I opened my briefcase, pulling out file number four. I passed it across the table,"You had openly given Landon's dad a position as a smuggler in your family business, with no interview required. A smuggler whom transports the illegal jewels across the sea to Deltora, after being stolen from houses, small businesses, and royal families. Your family works with Veronica Slaten's, whom run a drug cartel on the black market. With their help, the jewelry stolen from the Kings and Queens of small kingdoms sell on the black market. These priceless items are recognizable to the eye if sold in your shops, so you hand it to the Slaten's and split twenty percent with them. "

I pulled out file twelve,"This is Queen Wiley's family ring, now worn by Veronica. I viewed this ring in my studies for my fradgit fashion class, and I recognized it immediately. This was when I started my investigation, and viewing bank accountings. Landon had deposited fifty-thousand Deltorian coins a week after their breakup, following the position given to his father. As a smuggler for your illegal jewelry business, might I reprise. I have piles of evidence: trips to lands and news of robbing soon after, banking and checking accounts, even working with the Descuvi for some items; the Slaten family works with mainly Descuvi."

Her wild and frantic eyes lit up. She stood with fear in her seat, her facade now gone as she understood the matter at hand.

I could ruin her life, her family name, and others.

I had unraveled many secrets that nobody had known, the darkest parts of her life. I could understand if she was scared of me, and I relished in it.

"Your main goal is power, and understood that Landon was going to be the King's hand one day. You couldn't have the King's hand dating one of the most suitable wives in Deltora, could you?"

"What do you want?" She calmly asked, her hands shaking as she sipped her tea.

I tisked at her,"It's not going to be that easy, Miss Daniels."

"I don't have time for your games, Henry. This is my life at stake, now what do you want." She looked as if she was about to cry, she was so angry. She understood how messed up her situation was, and was angry by it. Isabelle would do whatever it took to gain more power, but it must be harder when it's built on lies.

She understood that was the only way for her, given her lifestyle.

"You are going to write a formal apology to Hazalen, explaining how and why you had delved into their relationship. You shall sever the current contact with Landon, letting his father keep the job as a smuggler. Last but not least, you shall promise to never mettle in their relationship ever again." I wrote a new contact, handing it over to her with my requirements.

My instructions were clear: I shall not speak a word about the information in my briefcase. Isabelle wrote her apology to Hazalen, and signed that she will sever the contract with Landon.

She led me to the door,"I hope to never see you on this doorstep again, Henry Star."

"Let's hope there isn't another reason for it. Pleasure doing business with you," I readjusted handkerchief B and bowed my head,"Now I have a Targle tournament to attend to."



"I said hold on!" I screamed downstairs at my mother for the tenth time. I couldn't find my cleats, and the game was today.

Obviously my mother had no idea I was participating in it, or else I wouldn't make it two feet on the field. So I wore the outfit she had placed on my bed for me, only to pack another.

"Ah-ha!" I yelled in excitement, ripping them from under the bed. I threw them in the bag, running downstairs.

"What is the bag for?" She hurriedly pulled me along. The carriage had been waiting, and I knew that Jack was wondering why I hadn't arrived yet.

"I'm sleeping over at Hazalen's after the game, if that's alright with you."

I wasn't lying.

She helped me into the carriage,"Annalise, I'm just elated you have made friends in Deltora. Friends whom you can depend on, and I can tell you are much happier here. I think we are starting off on a great foot in Deltora." My mind wandered to the night on the bench with Damien, and the King's question.

Yeah, I don't know about that one.

"I'm glad you like it here too, mother," We hugged one-another, and I smiled in her arms. I knew how mad she would be with me after the game, so I relished in the moment for now.

We arrived to the large stadium and I couldn't believe my eyes. As my mother pulled me along, nerves piled up in my stomach.

This many people were going to watch me play?

People from all over the lands surrounded me, coming to watch the first round of football. What surprised me was the mix of poor and wealthy, not just the rich were able to attend. Their outfits consisted of their culture: some had togas, ruffled dresses, box shoulder-padded suits, bright colors, rags, ripped shirts; there were so many foreigners.

If there was one thing I understood in that moment, was that the poor and the rich of all lands agreed on one thing:


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