Chapter 15- And There Was the Interaction With Cole

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By the time I arrived home, my mother was already outside waiting for me. I slowly came out of the carriage, wincing as I noticed her; she was obviously not happy.

"Where have you been Annalise? It's already four in the afternoon, and why hadn't you answered my letter? I sent it deliberately to-"

"Mother, I'm fine. I apologize for not responding, I was having too much fun with Veronica and Hazalen."

"Doing what?"

"Well after we talked all night long-"

Sure we did.

"We fell asleep and woke up around noon. Then we made ourselves some amazing custard cakes with-"

"I don't care anymore Annalise, just don't scare me like that! Also, respond to my letters," She scolded me. Deltora's letter system is extraordinary, many messengers sent letters directly from a place on horseback to the recipient.

I let a relieved sigh escape when I realized my mother didn't know I was wearing a different dress than in my wardrobe. I honestly have too many that she can't even remember which ones were her design. Damien gifted me one from another noble's room, which he obviously stole. He wouldn't let me go out wearing just a nightgown.

"Come Annalise, we still need to unpack some boxes. We never did get to the attic," We trudged through the house, and I gave Maria a 'help me' look. She winked back and sashayed away, obviously not caring about the labor I was about to do. My mother successfully opened the old, attic door and we started unpacking right away.

"What is this?" I ask with a small smile, handing the object to my mom. There was a small princess on a stand, standing poise and precise. Her hands were resting perfectly in front of her, as if she was smoothing out her dress.

She almost looked like me in a certain way.

"You used to be obsessed with this little thing." My mother took it from me and examined it throughly.

"Your dad had this made before you were born. You've loved it ever since, it is the one thing he gave to you before he passed away."

I frowned,"I wish you had a painting of him or something. Just to give me an image, or a figure of my dad; anything would do."

"I don't have one, Annalise." Her right eyebrow twitched, her voice rugged. I was going to push it, I was tired of holding back.

"Why not? Surely you do, we had enough money to pay for at least one artist-"

"Enough, Annalise! I don't have one!" She bursted out, the once reminiscent vibe gone.

"Then describe him to me." I smiled gently, waiting for her to finally completely open up. She gave me a stink eye and I batted my eyelashes back, a trick I learned from Damien.

She sighed, giving in,"He looks just like you, a lot more then I ever could. You have the same hair color, only yours just a little bit lighter because of your mom's hair. He had deep blue eyes like the ocean. Which you would have loved Annalise, Descuvi had an amazing view of the vast ocean, right on the beach. Deltora is very nice and green, but not on the ocean like we were."

I smiled for her to continue,"His dimple was exactly where yours is. You don't have his nose though, or his lips. You have his wife's full lips- mine per say." She quickly added,"Your dad was deviously handsome, Annalise, that's why you are so beautiful."

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