Chapter 66- And There Was More than Three Words

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I slowly closed the trapdoor, not wanting to wake Damien. I took the hood off my shaw, walking toward the fireplace to warm up. The fire was still burning, a log of wood had been recently provided.

I smiled as I poked the fire, thinking about Henry's kindness toward me. I had never been called Princess with true respect before, and it made me feel protected for once. That I could truly be myself around somebody, all my defensive walls down, and they still accept me all the same- even try to come up with a plan so I can survive.

The plan.

As always, Henry's plans are well-thought out and strategic. I recalled the question he asked me, wondering if the choice I made was the right one.

"Do you want to survive, or live?" We both sat down at a table in my mother's remodeled break room. I couldn't help but tilt my head at his question.

"Isn't that the same thing?"

"Princess, you have the option take two different routes for your future." He leans forward, his hands curling around his jaw to hold his head up. I was scared to hear my options, but it was better than staying in Deltora when the Descuvi knew I was here.

"Which are?"

"Run away entirely to another large kingdom such as Solaria, and blend in. Your best chance would be to be discreet, and leave on a cargo ship to avoid documentation."


"You could tell Damien the truth about your heritage, and ask him to join you on an epic quest to find the source of your father's madness."

I could only stare at him as if he had become a mad Descuvi himself, but I knew better. Henry truly thought that Damien loved me enough to accept me for who I was. I couldn't put my faith on Damien choosing between his kingdom... or me. He would never look at me the same again. Things have been so good recently. It's only going to get worse with Princess Amelia coming back.

I have to trust Damien more than ever.

"So I'll ask you again, Princess Annalise... do you want to survive or live?"

I knew the answer right away.


"You're back." I turned around, dropping the poker with a clang. Damien stood in only cotton boxers, covered by little dogs with crowns on it. I took a quick glance at his abs, snatching my eyes away when I realized I had been caught sneaking in.

"You stayed awake for me? It's almost three in the morning."

"I got worried about you. That, and I couldn't sleep."

I waved my hand at him, joking around,"Thinking about dark-haired big boobs?"

"No, why do you keep calling her that?"

"Because she has-"

"Fine, I can't sleep without you. You keep the nightmares at bay." His blue-gray eyes shone with sincerity. His thick eyelashes blinked twice, then he walked over to me. I once again felt an electrical hum needed to be fulfilled by his touch.

"Henry completely remodeled my mother's shop." I changed the subject, poking at the fire again. He sat down on the carpet next to me, leaning against the leather sofa. He grabbed me softly, bringing me in-between his legs so he could hold me. I felt myself completely relax against him, my body satisfied by his presence.

Should I tell him now?

"And he had to show you this at midnight?"

"He was so excited, Damien. He's going to start selling suits and give the money to me."

Damien threw his head back and laughed, disbelief playing in his eyes,"You honestly think I won't support you sweetheart."

"Shove that arrogance up your ass, Darius. It's for safety measures." I glared up at him, waiting for his insecurity to snap back.

He knew what I meant, and that if anything happened between us I wouldn't come to him for help. With one look his eyes showed me that he hated the thought of this, yet understood it was not my fault.

"I understand. That is kind of him." He held me tighter, placing butterfly kisses on my neck.

Smart move, prince.

"I feel like you're hiding something from me." I looked up at him, noticing the silence became deafening. I could lay with Damien for hours in the quiet and never get bored, but the way his body tensed at my question revealed the truth.

"I'm just happy my birthday is coming up in a few days. I think I'll get a pleasant surprise." I felt his lips on my neck curl into a smirk, trying to distract me.

I looked up at him,"What else?"

"Nothing can get past you, can it shortcake?"


He huffed out, looking away from me. I grabbed his hand, turning his attention back to me. I wanted the slight frown on his lips to disappear, and the cloudy look in his eyes to disperse.

He spoke slowly,"Princess Amelia of Tarzla is arriving back in Deltora this weekend. Her visit is going to be much longer than last time."

My face slowly contorted, wanting to laugh at his words,"Much longer than last time? What do you mean- and don't sweet talk me this time."

"My father... he-"

"Is forcing you to marry her this time around? Planning a wedding this weekend, right after your eighteenth birthday?"

"Yes." He responded, the only word it looked like he was able to mutter without breaking down.

"We only have a few more days together." I squeezed his hand, staring up at him in desperation. I needed to talk to Henry immediately. I didn't want to tell him about my heritage yet, we need to change the plan.

We had decided on leaving Deltora in a month's time, but we didn't know the King was going to seal the deal so early. Once Damien turns eighteen, he is of legal age to take the position of King.

Really, King Eggar?

"It'll all be alright, Damien. We will find a way around this." Panic struck in his eyes at my reaction, not understanding why I wasn't so upset by the news.

"I'm going to have to marry her, sweetheart. I don't know if there's any other way." He grabbed my face, his frown growing deeper if possible. He's been thinking about this for a while now, and I wondered how long he kept her arrival hidden.

"Like I said, I will not let you marry her. Even if I have to storm into the wedding and reject it." He laughed at my comment, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"You remember what we said in the kitchen? About enjoying the most out of what we have together, no matter what happens?" I grabbed both of his hands, not faltering my stare.

"Do you truly mean it?"

His gaze faltered for a moment,"Is that even a question? You are my only desire, Annalise. I won't be able to stand life without you. My father will have to find another successor unless you are my queen. You are the only woman worthy of the Deltorian crown, and has the potential to become the greatest Queen Deltora has ever seen- Princess or not. Your heart shines truer than the sun in the sky, and your passion burns a fire that could never be put out by the rain. I would follow you to the depths of the ocean if it meant I could stay by your side. I would take any chance to spend the rest of my days with you. Don't question my love for you, because you are my centerpiece."

Tell him. Tell him now.

I needed to talk to Henry first. I had to make sure we could still escape, and I couldn't give myself or him false hope.

"I love you, Damien." I let a few stray tears slip down my face. He wiped them with his index finger, smiling sadly. He grabbed me into an embrace, his dark hair tickling my ear.

"I love you too. More than three words can explain."

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