Chapter 51- And There Was a Winking Henry

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I replaced the rag on her forehead, dipping a new cloth into the bowl of hot water. Her skin was cold to the touch, and the herbs on her cheek were very pungent. The herbs covered her purple and blue bruises, a reminder of the traumatic events she had to undergo. Her long eyelashes draped to the sky, closed in a peaceful state. I watched as she slowly breathed in and out, reassuring myself she was with me and alive.

I slowly reached out to grab her hand, holding it in mine. Though they were still soft, callouses from the cave's ground appeared on her palm. It was apparent where the chains laid on her wrists- they were a bright shade of red.

I kissed her wrist while she slept, holding her hand to my lips in comfort. Her presence brought me peace and her soul brought me life. I was able to save her- unlike my mother- and I could relax knowing she was with me, safe in the castle walls.

I was ready to help soothe the scars that blanketed her mind. She had done so for me wether she knew it or not; I would stay by her side until she didn't see fit. When my mother died, I didn't have anybody to guide me to self-forgiveness and acceptance. I wanted to be her shining light in the darkness of the cave, to be the person I needed when I was going through the same trauma.

The door softly shut behind me,"How is she fairing?" Hazalen asked.

"She's running a small fever, but the doctors said this is normal. The cave was cold and she was malnourished, her body needed nutrients and warmth. It's adjusting to the sudden change," I dropped her hand, leaning back in my seat. My eyes were still trained on Annalise, I didn't want to look away to ensure this was reality.

Hazalen sighed, taking a seat next to me, her eyes glued to her sleeping friend as well. We both sat in silence, viewing her damaged body in our thoughts.

Hazalen sputtered out,"I can't believe they did this to her. I had to tell Maria the news-," she started silently crying, wiping her tears off the back of her hand. She wasn't upset anymore, her tears seemed angry by her furrowed brows.

"What is she going to do now, with her mother gone? She left behind a fortune, but Annalise is technically an orphan. Maria could watch over her, but staying in her house might not be the best option right now."  She whispered, not wanting to wake Annalise.

Hazalen had been a true friend to Annalise since she arrived in Deltora. She cared deeply for her, and the fact she was already a few steps ahead in her recovery proved my point. I was thankful that Annalise had a friend like Hazalen in her life, if anything happened to me then I knew she would be in good hands.

"She could always live with me." I clasped my hands in front of my nose, leaning forward. I finally blinked- staring at her became a hobby.

"Are you crazy? Live with us, in the castle." Hazalen remarked, whisper-yelling.

I smirked,"What's so wrong about that? I think it's a great idea."

"Well for one, the King doesn't like her."

Hazalen and I jumped in our seat, looking behind us to find the source of the voice. Henry stood in the corner of the room, creeping unusually. He wore an all-brown suit, blending in with the walls.

"Where did you come from!" Hazalen tried to stay quiet.

"The real question is, how are we going to hide Annalise from the King? Rumors will fly around the castle that she has 'moved in' with the Prince." Henry walked out of the darkness, standing behind Hazalen.

"Could she share a room with you, Hazalen? I understand if I am asking too much-"

Hazalen already cut me off,"No, of corse she can stay with me. Maria can become the new maid on my hall to reduce the rumors."

"Don't you have that secret passageway in your room too?" Henry asked. I didn't know he was talking to me until silence followed, I looked behind me to find his gaze.

I stared him down,"What are you talking about?" Sometimes I disliked Henry's remarks. They made me feel uneasy because he knew information that he shouldn't- things that even I don't comprehend as the prince.

"There is a passageway under your sofa. It leads to various exits, one of them being the palace kitchen," Henry's steps toward my lover's sleeping body were silent. He reached forward, wiping some of the herb on her cheek off on his finger to smell it. "Tell the doctor to add cornili to the mixture. It will prevent the infections."

Hazalen rolled her eyes,"Stop trying to play the detective, Henry. I swear you are always putting on a persona."

"For the right reasons, my dear cousin."

"Really? An interrogation suit is necessary for whatever obnoxious act you were performing?" Hazalen's voice rose.

"Thank you for the reminder- I need to find Landon," Henry winked at me.

...Why did he wink at me?

"Landon! What do you need him for?" Hazalen exclaimed louder than necessary, causing Annalise to softly groan in her sleep. We all paused, eyes wide as we watched her rise from her slumber.

Her eyes fluttered open, hands immediately going to her face. I reached out, holding them back from touching her cheeks. She turned her head toward me, recognizing my touch. I watched as she gazed at her wrists and as her face morphed in pain. Tears were forming in her eyes but didn't dare to fall. She wasn't physically hurting at this point- yet painfully reminded of her trauma.

"Hey, look at me Annalise. Look at me," her sight finally tore from her blistered wrists, gazing into my eyes. I carefully reached forward, not wanting to scare her. I took out the necklace from under her shirt, placing her hands on the golden emblem. Her eyes softened as she held the present I gave her, realizing it made it through her journey.

"You see this? I was with you the whole time sweetheart, and still am." I smiled as she took a deep breath in, feeling safe in my presence.

"We missed you." Hazalen remarked from beside me. Though tears were looking down her face, Hazalen laughed in joy as Annalise grabbed her hand.

"I missed you more than you could know," Annalise gave her a weak smile, still holding the necklace.

"Do you like my suit today?" Henry questioned her, lightening the atmosphere.

Annalise croaked a laugh,"If you went on a walk in the woods, you would blend right in."

"I guess I wore it just for you then," Henry punned, trying to joke about her last name. The atmosphere changed suddenly, and I wanted to curse Henry out. I felt as if he had already made me uncomfortable enough times today, and I understood he didn't mean to- but Annalise needed to be treated with care in this state.

The silence that followed was deafening as we were all absorbed in our thoughts. Henry continued to obnoxiously blow into his handkerchief, possibly on purpose. I kept staring at Annalise, drawing circles in her hand as she gazed into the distance.

"Did you bury her?" Annalise suddenly asked me. I felt as if she was staring down my soul with her one question. Only we understood the event that took place and the severity of her death. The brutal taking of her life deserved a proper burial; I organized one immediately after placing Annalise in the hospital wing.

"I placed her in the palace graveyard near the garden. We can visit her anytime you want for a official ceremony." I kissed her fingertips softly.

She nodded to me,"I would like that," and laid back down in the bed. "Wait- we are in the castle?"

"Yes, you're safe here." Hazalen reassured her. Annalise's wide eyes told me she felt differently. I frowned, I only wanted her to feel comfortable again.

"I feel like I shouldn't be here," Annalise hugged her body dismissively. She didn't meet any of our eyes with a somber look, and somehow the wall seemed interesting to her.

"Can I talk to her for a minute?" I asked the Star family. Hazalen nodded and rose from her seat, but I knew that Henry would try to stick around for the show.

"Alone?" I asked again. Henry rolled his eyes and childishly threw his handkerchief on Hazalen's seat, leaving the premises.

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