Chapter 34- And There Was The Fire

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Our lips met.

The fire to the right of us was nothing compared to the one igniting in my body. He moved slowly, making the kiss deeper by pulling my face closer. Suddenly I was underneath him, and our lips started meeting in sync.

At first I didn't know was I was doing but I caught on quickly, meeting Damien's actions. His hands drifted down my body, grabbing my legs and pulling me closer, hooking them around his torso.

It was almost as if a switch flipped and we both picked up the pace, his hands exploring me and undoing my night robe to be able to feel even more. He placed hot kisses down my neck and suddenly started sucking on a small area, causing a moan to slip out my mouth.

I never knew I could do that. Or feel this.

I felt his smile against my neck as he continued his trail, sucking and licking and even biting my ear. He was driving me crazy. His long arms wrapped under my legs, being able to reach higher up. He was trailing his hands up and down the inner thighs of my legs while continuing his attack on my neck, causing multiple moans and sounds to fall out.

He placed kisses along my jaw, then met my lips again. This time it was much more passionate, me being more demanding then ever. His touch on my thighs kept getting higher and higher...

And our lips were both in sync, a passionate blur of emotions leaving no time to breathe. Almost as if we had opened Pandora's box, we had both been wanting this for a long time.

His hands kept reaching higher and higher... until he pulled away.

" Annalise, we have to stop." Damien sat up, his breath uneven.

"Why can't..." I was panting.

"Or else I'm going to loose control and do something you aren't ready for yet." He sighed, his eyes dilated as ever. He kissed my lips," Annalise Woods, you sure are something."

"Better then being nothing." I giggled, and a lopsided grin spread across his face.

"You are going to make me loose it." He propped himself up on the couch, legs spread out. He mentioned for me to come over with a flick of his hand.


"Just do it." I crawled over, and he put me in between his legs in front of him, my back against his torso and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned back, enjoying the feeling of the fire and his strong arms making me feel safe. The electric pull toward him was finally satisfied.

He laughed," I never knew you could make sounds like that, shortcake."

I smacked his arm,"Hush it Damien, or else you won't hear them again."

"Mhm, I don't know about that one." He smirked as he placed another kiss on my neck, grinning ear from ear," I don't think you know how long I've been wanting to do that." He pulled me closer to his chest.

I laughed,"Since the first day we met?"

"Yes, but back then I just wanted to have fun and play games with you."

"Well what do you want now?" I tilted my head up to him.

"I want you. All of you, just for myself." He answered in all seriousness,"No more games, Annalise Woods."

"No more games, Prince Darius of Deltora." We both laughed causing our bodies to shake being so close to each-other. He moved aside my hair and trailed his fingers over my neck. I shivered at the contact.

"I might've left a few marks, sweetheart." He was smirking in delight.

"Are you serious?" I asked up at him. He nodded with his usual devious smirk. "Damien, your going to make me look like a floosy."

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