Chapter 52- And There Was the Power of Love

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(Hazalen pictured above)


I chased Henry down the hall, my heels clacking with every step. His long legs made a sharp turn left, as if he was trying to run away from me.

He's so childish.

When Annalise arrived yesterday morning, Henry finally returned to his old self. We were both slowly falling apart, but my younger cousin was a completely different person. While I was worrying about my best friend, I had to also worry about my cousin's health, and had no time for my own.

Henry broke down in my arms when Damien carried her into the castle. Our worrying was over, and we could finally reunite with our best friend. Annalise taught Henry how to love himself, inside and out. Some people had never been kind to him- especially the high ranking nobles- because of the gender he desired, but Annalise showed him that love always triumphs.

If a common girl could be with a prince, a man could be with another man as well.

Though rumors were flying about her, nasty words always being shared behind her back; Annalise still continued to stay by Damien's side. This inspired Henry to embrace letting people know the gender he liked, ignoring the people who disagreed as well.

"Henry! Stop playing games with me, why do you need Landon!" I shouted down the hall. He continued his rampage, leading me up the winding stairs. I followed him into his room, slamming the door behind me.

"What in gods name are you doing?" I was out of breath. Henry was rummaging through his briefcase, pulling out a few sheets that looked like documents.

"I have an apology letter for you," he handed me one of the documents, still paging through his briefcase. The letter before me was in perfect cursive, not one splatter of ink was out of place. I was immediately curious, jumping right into reading the letter.

Dear Hazalen Star,

I realize my misdeeds have led to misfortune for you, and I apologize for my actions. I have grown up in a household where such actions are necessary to claim power and fortune, I never truly realized how such actions would effect the victim. I have never been in love, I've been taught to only desire the power of hierarchy. Yet I imagine- it has been a few years now- that love is very strong, for you still desire to be with him. I am the sole reason why you are not with your loved one- I wanted to secure power for my future. Your family is as prosperous as mine, and marring the future King's hand would've placed you above me. My family is corrupt, and has corrupted me, there is no possible way for me to marry in love, or receive it from my parents. I've accepted now that this is not my fate, being above you. The love you have for one another can not be tarnished by greed and envy. I have broken my contract I made with Landon so he could save his father from going under. You deserve to be with him, and I am elated at least one of us finds a happy ending- with or without power needed.
I send you the best of wishes,

Isabelle Daniels.

I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand.

"Henry?" I looked around the room, but he was nowhere to be found.


I clenched the sheets in my hand, looking away from Damien. He continued to rub circles on the top of my hand, comforting me. He obviously didn't find out about my heritage, or why I was kidnapped. Thoughts circled in my mind of the consequences of him ever finding out.

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