Chapter 40- And There Was the Bendlar Clan

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"You're acting like a child," I proclaimed, chewing on another chocolate. Damien was trying to balance all of his cookies on his nose, and when it fell he would try to eat it. We were sitting in the abandoned, castle kitchen eating our stolen sweets.

"You know, I've snuck so many desserts from this kitchen when I was a child. But never with a friend." He proclaimed, fully eating his cookie.

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't have many 'friends' growing up. I would always play with Landon because our mothers were good friends, but it wasn't as if I could aimlessly roam the streets of Deltora. I wouldn't have been able to protect myself then, so I just stayed in the castle." He gave me a reassuring wink, knowing I would pity him.

"It was the same for me, Damien. My mother became rich, and you know how that Kingdom is. There were thieves everywhere, low education; my only option was to stay inside. I could've been a dead girl walking those streets, kidnapped or worse." I explained. I wasn't lying at all, I understood Damien in that aspect.

As soon as Damien snuck me into the kitchen, he had pretended like the event never happened. I could tell he kept making jokes and doing silly things to brighten my mood, as if he didn't want me to worry about his loyalty to me.

Though I just made it worse by lying.

He could never trust me now.

"Well now we can aimlessly roam the streets together, Annalise." He came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and placing a kiss on my head.

"Where would we go?" I asked, closing my eyes to feel his embrace.

"Wherever we want. I've still got to take you to that waterfall I told you about, there's a secret cave underneath that only I know about."

"I want to show you something too. I found this cabin in the same forest and I found some pretty interesting things." I recalled, my back leaning against his torso.

"The Unio forest?" He muttered in my ear. Shivers were sent down my spine, even a simple hot caress of his breath sent me into overdrive. The bond between us was pandemonium.

"Yes, that's the one." I spoke. He smirked against my ear, knowing the effect he had but didn't do anything about it. I think he understood we have had too much of a emotional night.

"I've been through that whole forest, Annalise. You've must've eaten a wrong berry, because I would've seen it."

"I'm not crazy!" I proclaimed, looking up at him from his arms,"I'm bringing you there tomorrow. It is done."

"Fine, we can see this 'cabin' first, but later I'm showing you the cave."


"Fine." He childishly pulled his arms from my waist and crossed them, as if he had made a huge proclamation.

I laughed from below him, viewing his bulging arms from below. He looked as if he was a man-child, pouting with a buff body.

He kissed me from above, silencing my laughs,"I wouldn't be laughing, Ms. Woods. For I have just saved your behind tonight."

I went quiet, he had done a good job of making me forget the event until now. He noticed my uncomfortableness, because a soft smile erupted on his face and he kissed my forehead. He picked me up, placing me on the table as he stood between my legs.

"You don't have to worry, beautiful. Let me handle it, and this will all be nothing in a few days."

"Your dad will never accept me now, Damien."

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