Chapter 35- And There Was the King's Diary

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I laid sprawled on my bed with three pictures in front of me. The diary from the cabin, the painting from the festival I took, and the drawing Maria tried to take away. All containing one particular man.

King Demotis of Descuvi.

I couldn't help but try to figure out if he was related to the eyes watching me. He kept appearing in my life in the most odd way. In the waterfall, in my head to draw it, the cabin, even a festival where an old lady was speaking none-sense.

He was a reoccurring theme, and I couldn't help but wonder why my homeland ruler was imbedded in my head.

"You don't even know... do you?"

"Could you be her... the lost princess-"

"Annalise, your room is absolutely a mesz!" Maria stormed in, carrying a woven basket. I threw the paintings under my covers and left just the diary out.

"What are you reading, Mrz. Woodz?"

"Just something for my history class about Queen Katherine."

"Ah- beautiful women she was!" She picked up my clothes around the room, a smirk on her face.

"What could be so interesting, Maria?" I crossed my arms.

"I heard rumors of you dancing with ze Prince all night, Annalise! Quite a statement for ze Prince to make," she sounded giddy. She always had a thing for cheesy, romantic couples. When Maria wasn't doing chores around the house, she would be propped up in a chair with a romantic book in her hand.

"I can't say the rumors are false." I smirked as well, thinking of last night's events.

We didn't just dance all night.

The night was wonderful, as was the morning after. Damien woke me up with kisses and breakfast in bed. He even remembered how I told him about Maria's grits I loved so much, and included some.

He told me how he really felt about me, and we both finally came to the conclusion we needed one another more than we thought we did.

"No more games, Annalise Woods."

"He is quite a catch! The most wanted bachelor in most all the lands," she continued," You must be ze most hated!" She laughed.

"Maria, that isn't funny." I giggled. Yet the more I thought about it, Damien really was the most wanted in all the lands. I was a valuable asset against the Prince.

This can't be a Descuvian matter.

She walked of my room, crackling the whole way. I decided to put away the paintings and read the diary, wanting to learn more about King Demotis.

Prince Demotis of Descuvi

Today I am going to ask Lillian to go on a date with me.

I could still remember the first day I saw her, a ball of all I would never forget. I saw her from across the room, her emerald green eyes shone against her black hair. She could've been a siren for all I knew!

So I purposely bumped into her, but accidentally split my apple juice all over my suit in the process. She apologized many times-giggling so hard she could hardly speak-but it was all worth it to strike up a conversation with her.

We were twelve at the time.

She is a Princess from a quaint land known as Gola. They are well known for their desserts and bakeries, as Descuvi was for our sea and artistic work.

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