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Them reacting to you singing // Hyung Line

Requested by: MajesticBeanUWU

- You were all alone in the school hallway
- you put your earphones on each ear and played Butterfly by BTS
- "Butterflyy~ Butterfly~" You sang
- You walk slowly walk backwards but you bumped into someone
- "Lee Heeseung!!" You said and you were about to run but you were about to slip then he caught you by holding your waist.
- "hahaha thanks" you said
- "No problem." He smiled and there was total silence in the air
- "how long have you been here? Did you hear anything?" You asked
- "I heard everything." He giggled and you hid your face in your hands
- "Why did you stop?" He asked
- "What?" You asked and looked at him
- "You have a beautiful voice, Y/n"
- "You heard me sing???" You asked
- "What I said is heard everthing not heard nothing, Y/n." He laughed
- "And besides, you shouldn't be embarrassed about your voice. You should be confident about it and sing on stage." He added
- "But I can't, I'm afraid of people judging me." You said
- "Then I'll do it with you." He smiled

" He smiled

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- You were very insecure about the people around you. Everytime the look at you, you get nervous and flustered. You didn't want people to hear you sing, especially your crush Jay.
- You went to your hiding spot which was the garbage area. Because it was hidden by stairs. Some students will pass but you can notice them so you act like your throwing trash everyday.
- You loved to sing ever since you were a little kid. But you have stage fright. This is why you only sing infront of garbage bins.
- You went to the secret place and looked if anyone was watching. Then you sang Olivia Rodrigo's - Driver's license song.
- "And I know we weren't perfect but I never felt this way for no one"
- As you finished singing, someone clapped above you.
- You looked up and it was Jay.
- "Jay!!" You said
- "You were amazing, Y/n!" He said and hopped down by hopping over the railings.
- "Did you hear all of it?" You asked
- "Yeah I did." He said
- "Ohh. This so embarrassing" you mumbled
- it was the first time someone caught you singing.
- "Don't be embarrassed. You were amazing! You should join competitions with that voice of yours" He said
- "I can't!! I have stage fright." You said
- "Then I'll help you overcome it." He said

" He said

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- You were at the music room all by yourself
- You decided to step on stage and practice for the competition.
- There was a guitar placed in the corner so you took it and strummed simple chords.
- Your voice echoed around the room
- You didn't notice that there were footsteps coming into the room.
- "Y/n?" Someone asked
- "Ye- Jake!!" You said
- "Yeah, that's me." He laughed
- "What are you doing here?" You asked
- "I actually left my guitar. The one that you're holding." He said and you looked down at the guitar there were the letters S.J (Shim Jaeyun)
- "Oh shi- I'm so sorry, I thought it was the music room's, so I borrowed it." You said
- "It's fine, you're good at playing the guitar." He said
- "You heard me sing??" You asked
- "Pretty much, But you were amazing." He said
- "wh- oh thanks. I'm practicing for the talent show." You said
- "You are?? Me too!" He said
- "Shall we practice together?" He asked

" You said- "You are?? Me too!" He said- "Shall we practice together?" He asked

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- You were at the bus stop all alone.
- You put on your earphones and started head bopping to the tune.
- You didn't know that your voice was too loud that people across the street can hear you.
- Suddenly someone tapped on your shoulder.
- "Sunghoon??" You said
- "Yeah. Should keep your voice a little softer cause everyone can hear you." He said and laughed
- "Oh noo, I feel so embarrassed" you said
- "What?? Why?? You were great! Even better than the choir in school." He said
- "Don't say that" you laughed
- "Honestly, your voice is amazing." He said
- "Thanks." You said
- "We should sing together sometime." He said and your bus arrived
- "This is me. I'll think about it." You said and you stepped in the bus
- He waved you goodbye and you did as well.

" You said and you stepped in the bus- He waved you goodbye and you did as well

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I'm just gonna do the hyung line first cause I'm so tired. I slept at 4 AM cause I have 2 projects to finish and everything, So sorry. Will post the maknae line tomorrow.

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