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I reccomend listening to my k-sleep playlist while reading this.

Requested by, _imfeli_♥️

You've done so much for me! Thank you for the help<3

Remember, everything in this story is all made-up and not related to the person irl. It's all fiction!


Another episode of those quarrels. We're never going to stop arguing over something, even on little things. Are we?

We used to be the perfect couple, but what are we now? On our mid 20s, acting like a divorced couple, I'd say.

I looked at my right and my phone was buzzing. Y/n's contact name popped up.

I picked it up and their voice came.

"YAH! WHERE ARE YOU RIGHT NOW?" S/he yelled in a worried tone

"I'm coMing hOome LaaATte!" I yelled back

"Sunoo, you're drunk!" S/he said

"I'M nOtT!" I yelled

"You're being ridiculous. I'm coming to get you." S/he said and ended the call

I lay my head down on the table, head spinning, aching, and idk.

Your POV

I rushed inside the bar, thankfully his gps was on.

"Sunoo!" I said as he was laying his head the headboard.

"Let's go-"

"Are you sick of me?" He asks I could hear his whimpers

"What?" I mumble

"Was it all just planned out? You'd love me from our first date and stop loving me when I proposed.." he said

"What did I do to make you feel like this?" He asked again

"I treated you with gifts and my love for you! I devoted my life...for you.." he said

"I'm never gonna be good enough for you, am I, Y/n?" He sits up and looks at me

A tear falls into my cheek and he wipes it off.

"Why are you crying?" He pouts

He plants a kiss on my cheek and hugs me.

"I love you, Y/n. Please don't leave me.." He said

On the way home, he was fast alseep on his seat.

What if he's right?

Why am I acting like this? We were different before. We used to have fun together.

I'm sorry, Sunoo.

Sunoo's POV

"Sunoo-yah!" A woman's voice calls out my name

I look behind me and it was my ex.

"Shin Maeri?" I asked and she gave me a hug

"It's been so long! How are you?" She asked

I don't know if I should be talking to you.

"Good." I said

"Let me get you a drink sometime?" She asked and I nodded


"Maeri, I can't do this?" I said as she looks at me

"No one has to know, Sunoo-yah~" she said and kissed me as I try to pull away

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