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Listen to "Not For Sale" while reading this.

Your POV

It was the school's foundation day and  B/n asked you out..

"C'mon, just one time!" He said

"B/n, I told you, no means no!" I said

"Pleasee!" He pleaded making a pout on his lips

I shoved his face with my hand and walked away.

"I'm not taking a picture with you in that stinky photobooth?" I said

"Stinky? Gurl what you talkin' about?"  He asked as he held on to my wrist

I rolled my eyes and I stopped and turned around to face him.

"It's not stinky..I just don't want to be in there with you." I said

"Just give me a chance, Y/n!" He said

"How about no?" I said and went out looking for my friends

"Why? It's not like I forced you into this?" He said

"Technically, yes. My friends forced me to be here." I said as I continued walking

"Alright, fine. Just go back to your friends. I give up." He said and left

I felt sad and happy at the same time.
Sad because he looks upset and happy because I get to be free.

"So what happened?" My friends asked

"He gave up." I said and they were confused

"You left him?? How could you?" They yelled

"What about it? He said he gave up so I left." I said and they were upset


We went to the Karaoke place and I told my friends that I should buy some drinks.

I opened the cooler and bent down to get the beverage.

"Hey." I heard a familiar voice

I looked up to see B/n smiling above me. Leaning on the wall with that signature smile of his.

"What are you doing here? I thought you gave up?" I asked and stood up

He scoffed and lightly pushes me to the wall and covers me with his body.

"What are you doing?" My voice trembles

"A first-time feeling
After meeting you, my heart kept
feeling strange,
I don't mind this feeling
I feel awkward seeing how I changed
after meeting you, baby" he said in a serious tone

"You're strange." I said and pushed him away

I quickly ran to the counter, trying to forget what just happened earlier.

"That would be $15, Ma'am." The cashier said adn placed the stuff inside a bag

"Thank y-" I suddenly stopped when a person interrupted

"Y/n?? Is that you??" I heard someone at the door

I turned around to meet the person who I never wanted to see after our breakup..

"Yeonjun," I said seeing him holding a bottle of s0ju with his friends at the back.

(Surprise! Yeonjun be like: HEY MOAAA!!!!)

He leans in closer to my face as I could smell the alcohol from his breath.

"What do you say, I'd buy you a couple drinks at the bar and we could you know.." He whispered and laughed

I couldn't say no or he'll trash this place up.

He grabbed my wrist but suddenly I felt someone's hand wrap around my waist and pulled me closer to their body.

"S/he's not for sale." I looked on my side and it was B/n

Yeonjun was a bit confused and looked at him with his eyes going up and down.

"And who are you?" He asked

"Who do you think I am?" B/n said pulling me closer

Yeonjun scoffed.

"Stop kidding around, Kid. I want you to mind your own business."

"Her/his business is my business." He said

"Y/n, let's go." Yeonjun said

"I'm staying here." I said and that made him angry

He leans in closer to B/n,

"If you're messing up with me, you messing up with the wrong guy." He said

"At times like this, fights happen. But sometimes, you just have to.....RUNN!!" B/n grabbed my hand and I ran as fast as I could out of the store.

Yeonjun and his gang were chasing after you.

B/n found a hiding spot and we both hid in that small space.

"Why..did..you..help me?" I asked taking multiple breaths

"The world will be ruined this way.
To me, who had lost all expectations,
You taught answers that can't be obtained by counting." He said as he stared deeply into my eyes

"The price tag on my cold heart
Was torn off by an unfamiliar warmth
Now I have someone called you in my life. You're not for sale. You're mine, only mine." He added leaning closer before placing his lips on mine.


Kinda lame but I tried my best. Hope you like it!

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