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Part 2

WARNING: Contains violence, blood and metioning the word su¡C!de.

Your POV

"Hey, wake up!" A voice whispers from behind me

I slightly open my eyes trying to move but couldn't. I looked behind me and I saw Agent Lee's head. My hands were tied up, I tried standing up but I couldn't move an inch.

"Is this where they placed the bomb?" I asked

"Yup. We're sitting right next to it." He said

I looked beside me and there was this humungous rocket-like bomb that had a timer on top.

"It looks like we're inside a huge washing machine" I joked trying to remove myself out of these ropes

"Ouch! Stop moving it hurts!" He said

"Well, just great!" I said

"Ain't my fault for getting us caught.." he said

"So it's my fault??" I asked

"You were the one who lead me in to this situation.." He said

"Weren't you the one being noisy?" I sarcastically said

"I did it just to shut you up." He said

"This is why I broke up with you two years ago..." I mumbled

"And I'm glad we did!" He said

"You're so annoying!" I said

"I'd say the same thing to you as well!" He said

"Do you have something sharp?" He asked

"No..why would I bring something sharp in a school" I said

"You're a spy, you idiot."

"Look who's talking, why would you flirt with your ex while literally on a mission. Why don't you have sharp objects with you??" I asked

"The guards took it away while we were unconscious."

"Why did we go to that alleyway.. I'm so stupid!" I sniffed

"I couldn't agree more!" He said and I rolled my eyes

We both stayed silent for awhile and he let out a sigh

"You're not stupid." He said

"I know it's been 2 years now, and I've done some stupid stuff that may have hurt you in the past. Like arguing with you all day, ignoring you, and moving to another agency. I did it all because I didn't think I was good enough for you that's why I ended things badly. I'm sorry, Y/n."

A sense of shock went through my body as a tear randomly dropped down my cheek.


"You were enough for me..not just that but you were perfect to me. I know that I was very competitive in the past but I did it so you would be proud of me.." I continued

"I am proud of you. More than anything! I tried my best just to make you happy...I tried eveything, bringing all my attention to you, not joining some meetings, buying you st-" He stopped

"Give me your ring!" He said

"What! No! A ring can't make you get out of these ropes!" I said

"I bought you that ring, remember?  Atleast I gave it to you so it would have purpose in situations like this..Did you think I'd be stupid enough to get you just a simple ring?" he said

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