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"Yah, Y/n! Where are you!?" Your cousin called you on the phone while you were running as fast as you could to get to school

"I'm coming! I'm so sorry!" You said and ended the call

Cousin's POV

Aish this kid

Why waking up so late during the first day of school

"Yah Kim Sun Woo!" I yelled to the guy 2 meters away from her

"excuse me, pardon me, I need to get through, thank you." The guy went to me and asked all the girls surrounding him to move on the side so he could pass, when he arrived he then hugged me and I looked at all the girls giving me glares. And I just smirked and hugged him tighter and they got mad.

"Yah, I missed you since the summer started!" I said

"Yah, we met two days ago!" He said and We both laughed and that was when we heard a large thump right in front of us. We looked down and we saw that it was y/n.

Your POV

I bolted myself into the school, there were many people and I was too short to look for them.

Until I saw Kim Sun Woo, my cousin's bestfriend, and also my crush.

He is really busy with both performing and school. So he rarely gets to see us, but still he hangs out with us on school days and sometimes on weekends if he has free time.

He is a kind and a very smart student. When everyone feels down after a test he would jump up and cheer making everyone smile and laugh happily.

I had a crush on him when he started visiting in our apartment. Even our roommates are starting to like him, but my cousin wouldn't allow it.

"Y/n! Are you all right?!" Someone said worriedly

"yeah, I'm ok~" I look up and it was Sunoo

I should stand up to not make it more embarrassing.

I tried to stand up but I was too weak

"Here let me help you." He said and offered his hand

All the girls were shouting and they awed, they find him cute whenever he helps a friend.

And that's what I am to him, A friend.


At the classroom I sat on my assigned seat while my cousin sat infront of me.

Sunoo said that he would go to the bathroom first

His seat was always assigned beside my cousin's, But my seat was also vaccant.

Someone came in the class and it was a new student but he was with Sunoo. He was covering himself with a cap and mask.

"Hello, I'm Park Sunghoon! Nice to meet you all!" He introduced his self and once he did every girl in the classroom jumped and crowded over him.


"I LOVE YOU!" another girl said

"ENHYPEN! ENHYPEN! ENHYPEN!" everyone cheered

3rd person POV

You clapped and you all got back to your seats after getting scolded by the teacher

"Oh, Sunghoon where do you sit?" Sunoo asked

"I'm assigned next to, Kim C/n! Hello!" He said and looked at my cousin she was blushing and couldn't let out a single word out of her mouth

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