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Requested by: Chan_IsMyDaddy , Thank you for the request!♥️

Your POV

It's not easy dating an idol who's part of a monster rookie group.

I mean one con is that rumors would spread a lot and they can talk crap about you all they want. But they're just jealous cause Jungwon didn't pick them to be his (g/b)friend.

"What time are you coming?" I asked him on the phone

"I'm coming, don't worry. You really missed me that much?" He chuckled

"What if I do?" I asked swaying myself from left to right

"You don't have to anymore~" He said

"Where are you now?" I asked

"Turn around.." He whispered and I could feel his warm breath brushing on my neck

"I'm sorry, I might have to call you back just found my little 딸기." He ends the call and wraps his arms around my waist

"Hey, you~" I said wrapping my arms around his neck

Luckily we went to school early and found a hiding spot so no one else could see us. It's not what you think. It's privacy, cause he's an idol and all.

"Missed me?" He asked

"Very!" I said and gave him a kiss on the lips

"How's work?" I asked and he smiled

"My back aches just hearing that word."


"AhhHhH!!" He said supporting his back with his hand

"Don't be so dramatic, Grandpa!" I said and he laughs

"So, it's still early. What do you wanna do?" He asked reaching out for my hand

He interlocks our fingers together and  swayed it front and back.

"Hmm..wanna go to the cafeteria?" I asked

"Sure! I'm hungry.." He said


"They have this new item and it's so good! You're not gonna regret it!" I said as the item falls down from the vending machine

I opened the packaging and took a bite out of it.

"I thought I was tasting it?" He pouts

"Oh I'm sorry! Hehe" I said and shove it on his mouth

"Hey- woOoaAhhH! Yummy!"

"I know right!" I said and he nods

"Didn't she get plastic surgery last year?" Someone whispered

"No wonder her nose gotten slimmer!" Their friend whispered back and they look at me in disgust.

Jungwon noticed and looks at me. He was about to walk over to them but I stopped him.

"They're not worth arguing," I said and he frowned

"If that's what you want, I'm happy when you are." He said and I gave him a smile

"Let's go somewhere else?" He asked

"How about the gym?" I asked and he nodded


"Wasn't this 2 times bigger than before?" He said looking around

"Just the same.." I said

"What really? It doesn't look this big the way I remembered.." He said

"You were here last week." I said and he laughs

"C'mon!" He said and picked up a ball from the floor

I take the ball away from him and dribbled it for a moment.

"If I make this ball shoot through the hoop, you'll date me." I said mimicking him

"That's just embarrassing. Don't bring it back." He said

"C'mon! It's sweet!" I said and threw the ball

The ball went through the hoop and I jumped out of joy.

"Now, we're officially together."

"We are." He said and hugs my waist

"Instead of dating you again, can I kiss you instead?"

"Wait, let me check my schedule. Hmm..well lucky you, Mr. Yang, my lips are available." I said and he smiled

"I love you.." He said

"I love you more.." I said and he pulls me in for a kiss

We stayed there for a moment until we hear keys jingle from the main exit.

"Ey lovebirds! This is a school not a kissing booth!" The janitor yells and we move away from eachother

"We're sorry, Mr. Young" we said

"I don't want you guys to get in trouble. Now go back to class.." he said and we thanked him

We both laugh as we head out of the gym.

"What do you wanna do later?" I asked

"Wanna go out on a date?"

"That wasn't enough for you?" I asked

"Yup. I want to spend the whole day with my 딸기, my little 딸기.." He said and pinches my cheek

"Little?" I asked

"Yup." He said


"I'll see you after class BYEE!"

"YAH!! YANG JUNGWON!" I yell as he skips away from me

"YAH!! YANG JUNGWON!" I yell as he skips away from me

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