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----HYUNG LINE----

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----HYUNG LINE----


- the guys were having a sleepover at your house
- Heeseung knew you had a crush on one of his friends, specifically, Sunghoon.
- What you don't know is that Sunghoon likes you back and only Hee knows about it.
- "Can you bring us water?" Hee texted
- "Make use of your legs, stupid!" You replied
- "C'mon please! Just this once!" He said
- "Next time if you don't give me a favor I'd slap your as$" You said
- You take out a pitcher and filled it with water.
- You hear the door opening meaning someone is outside.
- Suddenly the footsteps move closer and closer.
- "Uhm..y/n?" A voice popped up making you flinch
- "YeH?" You asked turning around to face them..it was Sunghoon..
- "May I ask where the bathroom is?" He asked
- Sunghoon has already visited the house multiple times..how can he forget where the bathroom is?
- "Just there around the corner.." You said and he thanked you
- After he finished, he heads out of the bathroom and thanked you again.
- He noticed you were struggling with carrying the classes and food.
- "Want some help?" He chuckles
- "Uhmm actually yes.." You said
- "Here, I'll carry the glasses and food" he said about to get the food but your hand stopped him making your hands touch
- "Oh! I can manage with the food.." You said
- "Alright.." he said awkwardly and carried the tray
- "I actually like you for a very long time now.." He mumbles
- "Me to..What?!" You asked
- "Nothing! Let's go?" He said
- After you gave the water to the guys you immediately left without hesitation.
- Suddenly your phone buzzed and it was a text message from Hee
- "So...did he ask you out yet?" He asked
- "YoU kNeWw??" You replied
- "I'm busy right now.. we'll talk later hehe!" He said

 we'll talk later hehe!" He said

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- I bet he's that kind of brother who'd give you a lot of advice...
- "I promise you, look for a guy who'd love you till the end." He said
- "That's very hard to find." You said
- "That's why you'd never get a boyfriend." He laughs
- He loves teasing you when your crush is nearby.
- "Hey, Ni-ki! Remember my younger sibling, Y/n?" He said and looks at you
- "Oh, yeh! Hi, Y/n!" Niki said
- "Hi!" You said awkwardly
- "Wanna go get some ramen?" Jay asked and you both agreed
- "I have to get something at my classroom, you go first!" He said winking at you
- "We'll come with you!" Niki said
- "No! No! It'd just take 5 minutes, I'll see you there!" He said running away from you

- "Hey, Ni-ki! Remember my younger sibling, Y/n?" He said and looks at you- "Oh, yeh! Hi, Y/n!" Niki said- "Hi!" You said awkwardly- "Wanna go get some ramen?" Jay asked and you both agreed- "I have to get something at my classroom, you go first!"...

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- "My friends are coming can you open the door for me when they arrive? I'm gonna take a shower.." he said and you agreed
- "Jungwon's coming early so prepare yourself!" He laughs and you throw him pillow
- While you were on your phone, you heard the doorbell ringing.
- You opened the door seeing your crush infront of you
- "Hey, Jungwon..come in!" You said
- "Ofcourse, I am! You're gonna leave me outside?" He jokes
- "Hahaha! Jake's still taking a shower he should be done by now.." You said and he nodded
- There was awkward silence between you two.
- "Uhm.. how's schoolwork?" He asked
- "Not so good yet not so bad" You laugh
- "If you need help, I'm right here." He laughs
- "Sure! Thanks.." You laugh
- "Remember that time we met at the swings?" He asked
- "Oh yehh...that time where you fell face first!" You laugh
- "Yep! I tried to impress you cause I had a crush on you back then but I still d-" He was about to continue
- "Jungwonnn!" Jake yells behind you
- "Hyung!" He said giving him a hug
- "What were you guys talking about earlier? Why's Y/n hiding their face on a pillow?" He whispered
- "Nothing! Just recalled a memory" he laughs

that time where you fell face first!" You laugh- "Yep! I tried to impress you cause I had a crush on you back then but I still d-" He was about to continue - "Jungwonnn!" Jake yells behind you- "Hyung!" He said giving him a hug- "What were you guy...

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- If he sees your crush passing by, he'd tease you non-stop.
- "Why do you like Sunoo? Look for a guy that's handsome like me.." he said
- "Your confidence level scares the living sht out of me.." you said
- "Just spitting facts, there's no lie there..be thankful I'm your brother." He said
- "Isn't that Sunoo over there?" He nudges your shoulder
- "Don't look at him directly.. He's gonna find out you're talking about hi-" You were interrupted by him yelling Sunoo's name
- "Heyyyy SUNOOOOO! My sis/bro is looking for youuu!" He said
- Sunoo was a bit confused but still he went towards you
- "What's up?" He asked
- "I'll just leave you two.." Sunghoon said before you could grab his jacket he already ran away

" Sunghoon said before you could grab his jacket he already ran away

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Will post Maknae line soon!

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