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This is a fiction I wrote for my own fun, with my own characters.

It will be non-politically correct, there will be mention of sex, but no smut, no porn, no outright making out. There will be mention of religion, of politics, and so on.

I write what I like, you read what you like. If you don't like it, well, go read something else. If you do like it, you're most welcome.

I have the right to write what I want, you have the right to be offended. If that is the case, fuck off and have a good day. And I have a good way of dealing with those courageous people hiding behind an Internet ID to spill their hateful guts, you know, those "trolls".

Again, if you enjoy my silly story, please, come in, read, enjoy... Here is a nice cup of tea while you read. Would you like cookies with your tea?


My friend and fan @Chikaras has written "hot" chapters that come in between mine. Well, I call that hot, she calls that smut (which it is). They are well written and fit the story very well, but because my story is for teens and up, I can't include them in the main story. 

Blood Lily Company - Afghanistan, year 1Where stories live. Discover now