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We gathered near the river and, upon seeing the others' pale faces, I understood that our little love drama was perhaps essential, but ridiculous in view of what the others had discovered.

There were a few minor injuries, so Erk placed his infirmary near the river, to have access to water. He began by washing the wounds then closed them with "magic", this marvelous Gift of his that he sometimes forgets to protect by rushing to the front, as he had done less than half an hour earlier, to go to Tito's rescue.

Since we are going on patrol with only one pair of fatigue pants, the Albanian, although dressed in clean clothes, had to remain barelegged while his pants, which he went to wash in the river downstream from Erk's infirmary, dried.

Once everyone was Healed, Kris decided we would cross the river and set up camp on the other side.

I looked at my comrades and found them all shaken. However, none had been privy to our drama. So something worse had happened. But we had no serious injuries and...

And Tito's shriek came back to me, as did the Viking's nausea. Oh shit, what was behind that wall? What was it that had shocked my comrades and that I was the only one who hadn't seen it?

I waited and as nothing came, because they were all sitting, staring into space, I realized that I was going to have to take care of them.

I built a small fire, took out one of the two small five-liters pots in which I poured the water from my canteen, then I lit the fire and put it on it. I waited for it to heat up, then I threw in a sachet or two of mint tea. No brennivin in the herbal tea, in my opinion, if it was necessary, they would drink the liquor neat.

Once the mint had steeped, I rummaged through the packs of my patrol mates, pulling out the metal mugs and filling them with the herbal tea. Tito shook himself off and helped me. Erk's eyes were a little vague, but why, that was a mystery. Well, no, I had ideas about what could put him in this state, but I had too many candidates, between what was behind the low wall, Tito's confession, the announcement of his departure... No, that last one was not up to the rest.

Every time a hot mug touched the hands of a comrade, they would come out of their strange state and thank me. Kitty struggled but she's the least experienced of us so I kind of expected that.

- Well, guys, it might be worth it making a report, so that we are all up to date. And then maybe it will help you to... I don't know, rationalize?

- You're right, Archer, Kris said, running a hand over his face. Well, we'll start, then Erik, you tell us.

- OK. Go ahead, Kris.

- Well, after you left, we realized that our attackers were very close and straight ahead. We walked around them while Baby Jane was spraying them, with Kitty. There were about fifteen of them and... we are too efficient.

- How so ?

- Only one was left alive when they stopped shooting at us.

- Oh. I guess he didn't need my Healing.

- Because you think I would have let you Heal that bastard!

- Bastard? But...

- Erik! Those in the pit didn't all die quickly. Especially not women and young girls. Nor young boys.

The Viking has gone white. I felt nauseous. Damn, I was starting to have an idea of ​​what was behind the low wall, but... between having an idea and knowing what happened, there is a world.

- Were you able to interrogate him? I asked, after swallowing, trying to master my urge to puke.

- Yes. They are Durrani's men. They arrived here two days ago, killed, looted, raped, and were about to leave when we entered the village. They had orders.

Blood Lily Company - Afghanistan, year 1Where stories live. Discover now