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Afghanistan, the year is 21 ... not really important, actually.

Since the big pandemic of 2020 and what followed, our world has turned strange.  Some said, that the virus itself was the source of the mutations, others said they happened because the virus prepared us for them.  Bullshit! Anyway, Humanity has changed.  For better, or slightly less good, that depends on how you see it.

The true old-timers, if you listen to them, will tell you that, in their time, yada yada yada, but, if you listen closely, it appears that the changes, these mutations, existed only in the crazy minds of science-fiction and heroic fantasy writers of their time.  Hell!  Somebody had thought about those 'Gifts' before Humanity started using them...

Anyway, some Gifted people started appearing: telekinetics, empaths gone stark raving mad, poor guys...  Some developed healing Gifts, some precognition...  I should organize my thoughts in a better way.  Sorry, times are strange.

We are the Blood Lily Company.  Mercenaries.  A bunch of dirty bastards until they arrived and reshaped us into what we are now: a bunch of dirty bastards with one hell of a moral compass and code of honor, a success rate of 99% and the reputation that comes with it.  Yeah, I know, 99% success rate in our missions in the powder keg that is the Middle-East is difficult to believe.   And yet...  Numbers don't lie.  99%, guys!

The Blood Lily is our Captain.  A forty year old hard-boiled woman.  1.80 meters high and 70kg of muscles and bones.  Because I have seen her in her undies, I can promise that there is not an ounce of fat under her golden skin.  She is built like a gymnast, slender but muscled and yet, she can lift her own weight without even breaking a sweat.   She even carried 110 kg once, but that's another story.

She has pure white hair, short on the side, longer on top.  That lock sometimes falls in front of her eyes and she has become a master of playing it to the max.  Her eyes are so black, they look pupil-less.  That may be the case, who knows with the mutations.

Her vision is so good, by day or by night, we sometimes call her Eagle Eye.  In the morning, she can tell which one of us has drunk the night before and what liquor it was.  And we learned very quickly that whispering in the compound is useless.  She is beautiful.  As beautiful as the panther that looks at you wondering which part of you to start eating.

I said, earlier, "Until they arrived" because she came with two other guys.  Two blue-eyed blond haired guys.  From Iceland, supposedly.  I can believe that for the big one, he looks like a Viking on steroids.

The smaller of the two is a little taller than she is, 1.85 to 1.90m and much wider in the shoulders.  When his blue gray gaze is on you, you feel evaluated.  Weighted.  Almost judged.  The girls of the company think he's handsome.  Cant' tell, I am a straight guy.

The big one.  Well, the big one is... an exception, in many ways.  He is 2.15 meters tall (we had a wager on it, but had to ask because, at some point, you just can't guess) and weighs 110kg (yep, those the Blood Lily carried).  I can assure you he is not reedy, nor willowy, nor any other adjective to describe a lithe figure.  Even wider-shouldered than the smaller one, we always dread hearing the seams pop when he takes a deep breath.  His arms are like my thighs, his thighs...

Contrary to the other one, with short hair and a perfect shave, the giant has the longest hair I have seen on a man (down to his ass, actually), most of the time up in a bun but nobody would dare laugh about it.  He has a very aristocratic looking beard/goatee and can convey a whole lot of messages with his smiles and his eyebrows.  Mind blowing!

Of him, the girls say he is as beautiful as a god.  Our homos say so too.   I feel attracted to that guy too.  Can't say it's sexual.  Can't say it's not.  Really, having my head upside down like this because of a guy, it's disturbing.  Especially as those two guys act like an old couple, finishing the other's sentence, understanding each other with a look...

Blood Lily Company - Afghanistan, year 1Where stories live. Discover now