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We were a bit shaken up around 8am, there was some heavy weather. The helicopters came closer to the ground and the rain hit the cabins. It woke us all up, including the brothers.
- Hey... Erk said, voice hoarse.
- Hey yourself, Kris replied in the same tone.

I shook my head. The looks they exchanged were far more eloquent than their words. Always this so masculine restraint. I decided to put my two cents in. Maybe I'll pay for it someday.
- Hi Kris, glad you're awake. Erk was beside himself with worry for you.

The Viking gave me a dark look – not an easy feat with his blue eyes – and I smiled back at him, both innocent and sarcastic.
- Hi Archer, Kris said, trying to sit up.

Erk helped him, Kris patted his cheek.
- That true, big boy? You were worried about me? Was there a reason why?
- A little... I didn't have time to heal you completely and with the grenade, I...

He shrugged then grimaced. Kris put his arms around the giant's waist and hugged him, drawing a groan of pain from Erk.
- Come on now, what have you done?
- See, Tito, told you I'd be done for...
- Not yet, but if it's because of some bullshit of yours, chances are you will be, big bro.
- Because of the grenade, when I left her room with the kitten, the hallway became an elevator and I found myself on the ground floor faster than expected. The house decided to follow.

Kris looked like he had trouble decoding his brother's colorful language, so I told him what I knew about the incident.
- What about your back?
- Tito gave me a massage with diluted helichrysum oil and I must have fallen asleep during it, because I can't remember the ride.
- I confirm, Erk, I said, you fell asleep sitting cross-legged with Kris in your arms.
- Oh, so cute, brother...

Kris was blatantly making fun of the Viking, but I saw he kept his arms around the giant's waist. He leaned his head on his shoulder and sighed.
- Thank you bróðir, he whispered.
- Who's so cute, now, little brother?
- Dumbass.
- Love you too, Kris.

Okay, they'd gone back to their silly game, whatever it is, so I assumed everything was going rather well.

A small voice rose, finishing to wake us all.
- Alyss, I'm hungry. And thirsty.
- Hey, hello sweetie, Erk said, turning his head slightly.
- Hi, Erk. Are you okay now that you've become a slug?

You should have seen Erk's face! The surprise! We didn't really understand, Kris even less. Why was the little girl he had saved, protected, making fun of him? Then the Viking had an almost evil smirk, which the little one didn't see but Kris and I did.
- You... Come and tell me to my face why you call me a slug, you cheeky dudette...

She stood up, the giant's dusty keffiyeh still wrapped around her. She saw Kris leaning against the big man.
- So? I'm waiting...

He had the same serious look than when he had (gently) disciplined the village kids and, I don't know why, kids are never afraid of him and obey him...
- Well, now that you don't have the house on your back, you're no longer a snail...
- But a slug! Kris finished, laughing. Cassandra, I like you very much!

She stood in front of him, hands on her hips, looking belligerent.
- Oh yeah? And, first, who're you? And whatcha doing in my place, in the arms of my Erk?

And Kris burst out laughing, even more so than before, and I have to admit we were all smiling, having a hard time to hide our laughter. Erk didn't say anything, didn't smile, looking alternately at the hyper-serious Cassandra and at Kris who was resting his forehead on his shoulder, half hiding his face, trying to regain some composure, laughing and half choking.
- Her Erk... Ha ha ha, big boy, you've found your white knight, ready to defend you...
- Have you finished your bul... nonsense, Kris?
- Who's he? Your boyfriend?

Blood Lily Company - Afghanistan, year 1Where stories live. Discover now