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That day, we had to walk a little more than planned to catch up on the delay caused by the domestic quarrel Erk had rushed into head first. We found a small cave - there are a lot of them in the area - to spend the night there.

Yaka, who used to scout forward or on our flanks, had come to stick to JD's side an hour before we stopped. He and Erk were leading the way, and I could see the giant moderate his strides.

I was right behind them, a little to the right, Baby Jane up to me, a little to the left. Behind us, equally separated from each other, Quenotte and Kitty. And, bringing up the rear, looking a little distracted, Tito and Kris. Well, we were still in the friendly zone, but after the night attack, we had to be careful. I turned around. They were chatting and Kris made a pretty firm gesture, Tito looked dejected and Kris made a sorry face, but without looking at the Albanian.

Well, I was going to have to intervene, they were too distracted. I stopped, let Quenotte catch up with me and told him to take my place. Kitty wanted to wait for me, I told her to continue.

And I planted myself in front of the two preoccupied dudes. Kris saw me, stopped and Tito almost bumped into me.
- You're distracted, guys.
- Uh, we're still in friendly territory, Tudic, Tito said.
- No, he's right, Kris said. After what happened, we absolutely have to watch out. Thank you, Archer.
- Kris ...

I hesitated, then took the plunge.
- Kris... Damn, I'm being awkward. I think it would be nice if this ... problem that is causing you both to be so distracted is sorted out before we break out of friendly territory.
- You're right, Archer. Thank you. We will be careful. Tito, go join Kitty, would you?

My little buddy grumbled about it but then ran off to join the little American girl he called his little sister.

I walked alongside the Lieutenant for a moment, in silence. I wanted to ask what it was but, actually, I suspected it a bit, after Kris confided in this promise to Tito that he couldn't keep. I preferred to shut up, telling myself that Kris would talk to me when he was ready.

Our earpieces emitted a very light beep then we heard the beautiful baritone of the Viking.
- Hey, dawdlers, if you delay too long, you'll be doing the laundry chore!

Kris's face softened with an emotion it took me a moment to identify, my attention distracted by the giant's favorite punishment and the inability to wash clothes while on patrol. The emotion on Kris's face was a mixture of tenderness and fondness. He shook his head, a slight smile stretching his lips.
- He should renew it...
- No, I think that's a good punishment. Besides, only Tito and I were lucky enough to wash other people's dirty laundry as a punishment.
- Mmh ... In that case, I think we should go for a sprint ...

We looked at each other out of the corner of our eyes, and we went full speed, we passed Tito and Kitty who watched us go by with wide eyes and started to run too. Quenotte and Baby Jane got out of the way to let us pass and continued on their way, unperturbed.

When we got to the cave that Erk and JD had found, we were short of breath and sweaty. Fortunately, right next to the cave was a spring and a basin barely larger than the tub in which Erk had warmed himself, back at base.

The giant sent the four of us to fill the canteens, since JD's and Erk's had been used to fill a small bowl in which chicken broth was heating. Then he told us to wash ourselves a bit, just to mask our scent.

We'd just left the base so we didn't smell too bad, but while running we had sweated, and... let's say that the stronger the scent, the easier it is for a dog to follow. And we could guess Durrani or even the Dotard had dogs with them. Well, Durrani, we knew, since Tito had put a number of them to sleep when we went to lay a pin-up girl on his bed. So, we also changed our t-shirt.

Blood Lily Company - Afghanistan, year 1Where stories live. Discover now