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While the brothers were sleeping, the day we returned, Lin, Fatso and I chatted with the German. It was after breakfast, while the rest of the patrol learned about the work to be done.

I was there because the brothers were asleep and Lin wanted me to note the conversation down. I would call it an interrogation, but for Lin, it was a conversation.

Mac and I went to get the German, Karl. He had dried off, changed and was patiently waiting for time to pass, sitting on his bed. Mac was fully equipped, EMA 7 at parade rest, ready to fire, I was in uniform, that means ocher fatigues, with sweater, crested jacket, dried-blood colored keffiyeh and beret. And, of course, my Behemoth in its holster.

Once in Lin's office, we closed the door and Mac stood guard outside. She's a real warrior, that woman. She's had a tense, night-time operation, and she still had enough energy to beat the crap out of the Kraut if he gave her the slightest chance. She's the one who volunteered to watch him.

There was coffee in Lin's office, which she offered to Karl. She served us, while I prepared my tools for note-taking. This discussion would also be recorded, just in case, but Lin found it easier to read the paragraph rather than unroll the audio file to the right place.

He didn't introduce himself, Lin didn't ask him. The interview was conducted in English, Karl not speaking French.
- Well, I think you know who we are, since you saw Litzer in the copter. I have to thank you for sending her to us, by the way, she's a good element.

He didn't want to look at her, he turned to me, I gave him a smirk. His deed bit him back in the ass, and that made me laugh.
- Back to you, now. I have several solutions, from the most lethal to the gentlest, but I am not a woman of extremes. So if I let you go, what will you do?

He looked at her with wide, surprised eyes.
- Karl, I believe in second chances. That's what the Foreign Legion taught me and that's the reason why I'm here, by the way.

He was watching her. Lin was sitting at her desk, I was behind her, on the micro desk that had been used during the Dotard's visit, and Fatso was standing against the door, arms folded, his metal prosthesis prominently displayed.
- You were in the Foreign Legion?

His voice was quite low, a bit hoarse, and his German accent almost inaudible.
- Exact.
- One of the few women to have been there.
- Still exact.
- So, with a thorough search, I could find out who you are, by elimination, especially with your rather unique physical characteristics.

Karl slid his gaze over Lin's shape. I refrained from reacting to the admiration visible in his faded blue eyes. How dared he detail her like that! Jealous, me? Damn, could be.
- I hope that's a promise, Karl, not just a threat.

She was smirking and her voice was pure velvet. He looked her in the eye and returned her wry smile.
- Fine. So, what happens if I let you go?
- I would like some time to think.
- I can't give you any. I have two men off duty because of you, three counting Litzer, so no, I can't give you that time. And you might argue that all of your men are off duty, and definitively, but you're on the short end of the stick.

He withdrew into himself. I observed him a little better while he took stock. He had very short light chestnut hair, silver at his temples, wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. He sure was muscular. Although there were signs of age on his neck, he was in superb physical shape.

I saw five black bracelets on one wrist. He had lost comrades in battle. If he truly was one of the remaining German soldiers, then he had been in Afghanistan for over twenty years. With no support from his country. Left to his own devices.
- Karl, I said, how long have you been in Afghanistan?
- Too long...

Blood Lily Company - Afghanistan, year 1Where stories live. Discover now