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So the next day, I woke up with my head on Lin's shoulder, so stiff that she had to help me get up and get dressed. She also supported me to the mess, dropped me off next to Tito and the others and kindly brought us our trays, helped by Curly, Jude and some others.

Katja joined us with Vlad and Elise and we found ourselves, the whole patrol, having breakfast with the three R&Rs. The first thing we all swallowed was ibuprofen.

The day before, while we slept, Curly's and Mac and Stig's platoons had returned, bringing back the other R&Rs. Not that much, actually. I counted three guys. I found that wasn't much, to fill an E-Assault. The discussion between Katja and Lin enlightened me on the subject.

- So, my dear, this wedding?
- Oh, it hasn't changed much, except that now Sean is going on missions with me.
- Oh, that's nice.
- Yes, it saves us from worrying about each other. But this time...
- This time?

Lin's voice was very soft, as if she, too, had caught the fragile note in Katja's voice.

- Sean was with me in the helicopter and I had to drop him off at a site with other operators. Last night, on the radio, it seemed to be fine, but...
- Would you like to talk to him again? You know that the Ops room is not forbidden to you.
- Yes, but it's not just that. Yesterday Simo asked me to stay with you for a day or two, so I won't be able to pick up Sean.
- Why does Simo want you to stay at... Ah, no. I think I know. All right, go call your man, and meet us in my office. Tugdual, I'd like a word with you. Follow me.

I got up, a little more flexible thanks to the ibuprofen, and followed Lin, a little worried all the same.

Once in her office, she offered me the stool, but I stood almost at attention, wondering which sauce she was going to eat me with.

- Sit down, Tugdual, she sighed. I just want to know what Erik didn't say last night.

I sighed in relief and dropped my ass on the stool.

- Lin, have you seen them since? They fine?
- Yes. Kris is still sleeping and Erik has a bit of a fever, perfectly normal according to Doc.
- Kris still sleeping? That's normal, right?
- The bullet that hit him nicked an artery.
- Oh. It wasn't obvious, the way he restrained Erk in the copter.
- Oh?

So I told him about the anaphylactic shock avoided thanks to Katja and the strength Kris had deployed to immobilize the giant.

- They will always amaze me, these two, and yet I have known them for a long time. So, yeah, it's normal for Kris to sleep that long.

I thought Kris' physical strength to be quite incredible. He was able to prevent his brother from hurting himself, despite his weakness.

I realized I had said that out loud, because Lin told me that at Rizzi's house on Lake Como, Kris had carried his brother every day, giving him his shower and other care, taking him out onto the terrace, constantly moving him around, to stimulate him and help him find himself again. I opened my eyes wide, amazed by the immeasurable love that was shining through these actions.

Lin nodded. She resumed after a long silence.

- Well, tell me what Erik didn't tell me.
- Actually, he felt that some things were more private than others. The first thing concerns Katja, well, especially the R&R.
- We'll wait for her to join us, then. Anything else ?
- Yes. Tito is going to leave us.
- What? Why?

I told her about the river scene, Tito's confession, Erk's.

- Shit. That's what I was afraid of. That this love would become unbearable. Damn, that... It bothers me to lose him, he's a very good element. And, well... I do like this little guy.

Blood Lily Company - Afghanistan, year 1Where stories live. Discover now