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The next day, Kris decided to be a dick. Not disobeying Lin, no. Just being a dick. OK, just a little dick. But still. And then, afterwards, a bigger dick.

The night before, before taking Alyss to dinner, Erk, after leaving her in Doc's hands, had gone to get her a full outfit, but she had kept her gray fatigue pants and black M65 jacket.

For breakfast, she wore the same outfit. Lin stared at her with her pupil less gaze, the miss swallowed loudly. Kris walked past her.
- Litzer, in 10 minutes at the flagpole, outfitted.

Then, to the room at large: "Guys, you've got to find her a nickname."

At the foot of the flagpole, ten minutes later, Kris was standing at ease, hands behind his back, bush hat on his head and Ray Bans on his nose. He was cutting quite a figure. And Litzer stepped up and slowed down when she saw him standing still in the sun.

That idiot hadn't changed. And she planted herself, arms folded, leaning on one leg, in front of the Lieutenant.
- Litzer, the outfit is the same as mine. So, unless you're color blind, I think you messed up. So back to your room and you now have five minutes.

She started balking and then, as Kris let dangle the threat of push-ups in the punishing sun, she skedaddled. She came back to stand in front of the blond, in fatigues, arms at her side, this time. Since she had no ocher boots in her size, she had kept her black jungle boots. She had tiny feet.

He went around the rookie, correcting her position. I expected him to be like all drill sergeants, but he was actually quite gentle.

We were hanging out in the area. Back from patrol, we normally had a full day off. But if we were to incorporate the new one, we might spend a little more time at base.
- You've never been a soldier, Kris muttered. Don't answer, that's a rhetorical remark. So. We may be mercenaries, but we are soldiers nonetheless. So, and he had a not very nice smile, there are basics to learn.

He whistled shrilly.

In five seconds, briefed the night before, we were lined up in front of the Lieutenant, in two rows. First row: Tito, Alyss, Quenotte. Second row: myself, Baby Jane, JD. We don't have a definite place, but the speed with which we place ourselves is always impressive.
- About, face! Forward, march! March, march...

Alyss screwed up some and did what she could. We maneuvered in the yard, at the march, in rhythm and she followed as best as she could. She is far from being stupid, she quickly understood the principle. The form would come later.
- Not bad, rookie. On the sand, guys. Tito, teach her the basics.

Until noon, she rolled on the sand, ass over head, she flew. Tito being too nice, Kris took over and he was just relentless and ruthless. She was on the verge of tears, sometimes, but she held on. Like her life depended on joining us.

At lunch, she was fighting back tears as she inhaled her food. Tito put his hand on hers to slow her down.
- Alyss, kotele, slow down, you're going to hurt yourself. And also, you have to savor Cook's food.
- What does the Lieutenant want with me? Why is he so...? 

 She gestured with her free hand, unsure of what to say.
- Mean? I suggested. Aren't you a bit too old for this? But, to answer you, if he pampers you, you won't learn anything and the day you really need to defend yourself, you won't know how.
- But I have the impression he resents me...
- For now, maybe a little, I said. You know, our patrol is well oiled and you got added to it, just like that, no prior warning. But it will change quickly if you go with the flow. He's a good guy, a guy we'd follow to the end of the world, all of us from his patrol squad, just like his brother.
- His brother?
- The giant who healed you?
- What was the technology anyway? Nanites?
- Nan... No, way too expensive for the likes of us, nanites. No, it's a Gift he has.
- A Gift. With a capital letter, if I'm hearing correctly.
- That's right.
- Bullshit! They only exist in stories!
- I take it you've never met people with Gifts, then? Well, there are several here. We let you find them out, just like we did.

Blood Lily Company - Afghanistan, year 1Where stories live. Discover now