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What, after the fact, has always surprised me in this operation, is the incredible luck of the Viking. Well, you'll say to me, he got shot at, a (piece of) building fell on him, where's the luck?

Well... you'll see.

So, the building collapsed on top of the Viking who had Cassandra in his arms. I swear to you, my heart stopped beating.

At this moment, Kris, already in the chopper, had just fainted, Erk not having been able to heal him completely – it takes him a little time, anyway – and despite Mac's more conventional care, continued to bleed a little. Fatigue, pain, he fainted. It was for the best as it saved him from worrying about his brother.

Karl, surrounded by Bloody Mary and Baby Jane, had been secured, seated in the chopper, the R&R were back to the copters, except Ladislatz who had taken the Smoking bricks given by Lin, some detonators, wires and others things necessary to the good execution of the second part of the plan, the destruction of the base.

Poll, pale and his face twisted with acute pain, was sitting next to Kris, watching over him. Tito was coming back towards me.

And the building half collapsed. I got a faceful of dust, got hit with bits of rubble, too, even when curled tightly into a ball, and a reinforcing bar fell from above and got stuck an inch from my foot. I got scared in retrospect, thinking how close it fell. But at the time, I though only of the giant.

I heard Tito calling out to me and I saw him coming through the dust.
- Tudic, are you okay?
- I am, but...
- Where's Erk? he asked, and I'm not sure he heard my answer. But I didn't care, because I was worried about the Viking too.

We called him, several times, then, through our earpieces, we heard Alyss talking to her sister. The little one had had the idea to use the talkie. However, we had a problem, because Erk was not answering.
- Alyss, ask your sister how's the Viking.
- She says his eyes are closed and he's not moving.
- Shit!
- But she also says he... wait, pumpkin, I'm telling my friends... She says he made like a house above her...
- Ask her to touch his face, see if she can wake him up...
- No need, guys, the giant's hoarse voice sounded.
- Erk! Damn, you scared us so much!
- Sorry, but I think I've got a building on my back... It hurts a little...
- Okay. Uh, sitrep, Lieutenant? 

I was a little hesitant, but I figured the usual words might help us anchor ourselves so we could think of a way to get him out of here.
- Yes, of course, corporal. And I heard a smile in his voice. So, I'm more or less on all fours on what remains of the first floor hallway. He coughed forcefully. I should have taken a canteen... There are two sections of wall above me, which more or less support each other. I dare not move as I think I am supporting them too, according to the weight I feel on my back. I don't think I have any broken bones, but my back hurts. I think it's just one big bruise.
- You want a healing kiss, Erk?
- Well, yes, I do. Ah, thanks, much better already!

Despite the intonation and the words, I heard pain. So did Tito, it would seem. We looked at each other, we weren't fooled. Dio joined us, along with Igor, Curtis and Elise.
- Katja is giving Lin the sitrep, Miss Heavy-Helmet told me.
- I'm done for, Erk muttered, overhearing.
- There no reason, Tito said, you had nothing to do with it.

He didn't say anything, just grunted.
- Okay, Erk, we'll get you out of here. But it might take a little while.
- No problem. If you lighten the load a bit, I could push on my side, too.
- We'll see what we can do.
- I think, Curtis said, that Ladislatz can help free Erk without knocking the rest of the house down on him.
- Makes sense, I said. Elise, do you want to take command?

My question was pure courtesy and the little 2nd lieutenant understood it. From a purely hierarchical point of view, she was between Erk and I. But, being smart, she left me in charge, having more or less gotten the hang of how we worked. She just asked the "terrorist" to join us.

Blood Lily Company - Afghanistan, year 1Where stories live. Discover now