Ch. 11- Proving and Over

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Gabby's POV

So I finally came out of my room the next morning and I tried really hard to act normal. I really did, and I started to feel better. Carlos did help though. He is just so amazing, I really do love him, I just can't seem to say those simple little words.  

Their concert is tonight so they had rehearsal for several hours before. So me and La La had a couple of hours to ourselves. Which we spent doing blind make-overs, would you rather and chubby bunny. That game is the favorite of the team. 

We go get dressed for tonight. I pull out a dark grey t-shirt with the British flag on it and a pair of black jean shorts. La La straightened my hair and did my make-up. She didn't trust me to put any effort into it. She gave me like this dark eye thing. I looked good. La La wore a light blue button up shirt that was tighter fitting, showing off her curves. Her light blue cut off jeans made her legs look like they were never ending. We both wore converse. She put her hair into a bun ontop of her head. 

"So how have you been?" she asks looking at me, the my wrists.

"Better, what about you? How's your love life?"

"I said nothing about love life."

"Well it's obviously something touchy since you got so defensive," I poke her leg with my foot. We're both laying on the couch.

"Has James ever talked about me?"

"Ever so often but not particually. Why?"

"He said that he fell for me in the last year. It doesn't make sense, like at all. If he likes me so damn much then why hasn't he been talking about me or said anything to me? Why are guys so stupid?" She groans, which is not the most attractive thing ever.

"Well, maybe he didn't know what the feeling was, I mean he has beena serial dater. La La, give him a chance what's the worst that could happen?"

"He could break my heart and I'll end up killing him?" she offers, laughing about the second part.

"I doubt he would hurt you that bad, I mean he's a good guy. "

"You think I don't already know that? I have liked him for a while but honestly he deserves someone more beautiful than me, and someone better than me. Gabs He could have any girl he pleased. He is probably just settling for going out with me cause the girls he wants are already taken."

"Shut up, Lauren. You are the best thing that he will ever have. You're my best friend, so let me tell you that you are beautiful on the inside and out. He's not settling, and if he is, he's settling for the best thing that ever happened to him." I look her in the eye.

"Thanks Stella,"

"You're very welcome, and we have to leave," I say looking at my phone. 

We walk down the car waiting for us and drive to the venue. We just play dumb kids games on my phone. 

Once we get there we are greeted by alot of fans I basically make a beeline for the door along with La La, neither of us like to be in the spot light, unless it's on the ice. We walk in and look around, then get lost, and ending up on stage, well the side of the stage. 

"Well, the boys aren't here ." She says laughing.

"Obviously," we laughed so hard and walked back. We found the boys after about five more minutes of wandering. 

"There you are. We thought you guys got lost," Logan says laughing.

"We did," we said simaltaniously.

"Really?" Carlos asks pulling me into his arms. I laugh as he picks me up.

"You two look so cute," La La says in annoying voice. 

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