Ch. 7 - 3 Missing Words and Hacking

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Gabby's POV

So what happened last night did repeat but it was so much better. I don't know how but it was. I am up and it's like 0300. I get up suprisingly not waking Carlos. I pull on the shirt he was wearing earlier cause it smells like him. I simply smile to myself and walk out to the kitchen to get some tea. I am in my own little world when I see Beauty in just Harry's shirt and her underwear.

"Dear God," I say covering my eyes and whisper yelling.

"Stella?" she whispers turning around. 

"Yes, did you and Harry?" she simply nods and I fight back some laughter.

"What? We're both legal adults." That's when Pixi came out in a extra large shirt. 

"Hi" she whispers drawing out the word.

Next thing I know Tater-tot is coming out in a pair of shorts and some t-shirt. I can't take it anymore so I grab a glass and some tea, this'll be interesting. Then to top off our group Beast comes out in Niall's shirt. 

"Well I think you guys had a good night in Barcelona." I say taking a drink of my iced tea.

"Yeah, I probably should tell you something," Pixi directed it at me specifically at me, "Um, me and Kendall hooked up at the championship party and we've been seeing each other secretly ever since. And we just did it again tonight. God that felt good to say out loud."

"Ok that explains why you two made googly eyes at each other tonight." I say figuring it out finally. 

"Obviously things went well with Louis,"Pixi says looking at Tater.

"What?" Tater is making this face like we all didn't know that was whose room she was in.

"Beast is that Niall's shirt?" Beauty says giving her twin a sarcastically shocked voice.

"Is that Harry's?" she retorts back.

"Wait I think we have yet to cover one of ours," Tater directs it to me, "Isn't that the shirt Carlos was in tonight?" Shit

"Ohmygod, you two are adorable," Beauty says in this annoying voice.

"SHUSH! You guys can't tell anyone, we aren't even really officially together. Please, we haven't told anyone, please." I beg my girls.

"Wait we are the first to know about you and him?" I nod, "Sweet." That was all Pixi said though I knew there was more behind that devious smile of hers. 

"We won't tell; but did you two do what Harry and I did?" Beauty says wiggling her eyebrows and drinking a bottle of water.

"No," I yell in a harsh whisper, "Just making out and our tops ended up on the floor." I say like it's no big deal.

"Same," Beast said, and so did Tater. 

"Paige and Beauty, remind me never to go into those rooms."Beast says in a hushed whisper. 

We all start laughing quietly and head to the couch to just enjoy each others cmpany since we all had a pretty interesting time since we saw each other a few hours ago. 

"You know that the pillow talk after is something I will never forget," Delphi says with this happy go lucky look on her face. I find it hilarious, and so does everybody else. 

"TMI, sis, too much that I didn't want to know.Well with Niall I felt naked and exposed even though I was basically fully clothed. It was metaphorical and special," Her twin says smiling, even in the dark I can see the fire being put back int her eyes. 

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