Ch. 5 - Loathing and the Month of Break-ups

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My body freezes up and I feel Carlos keep walk towards the other guys. God damn him. Once I turn around I pull my earbuds out and take a deep breath. 

"Marissa Hale, what do you want?" I say using my hockey voice again. She was wearing a grey shirt and a bright pink sweater that looked like the one from Jack Wills that I make fun of for looking like cotten candy. Along with her ridiculously skinny jeans that were grey she had on a pair of high heeled light grey boots. Her blonde hair had big waves in it like Carrie Underwood's har, only Carrie made it look good. Her icy blue eyes were like icicles into my soul. She was slightly tanned from swim but she had no tan lines from here goggles. 

"Just thought I'd say hi, haven't seen you since graduation. I miss all those fun times we had in the hall ways." ok that fun comment was complete sarcasm. It might have been fun for her but me being shoved into a locker wasn't fun. I got a concussion like twice, which meant I couldn't get on the ice. Ok yeah I got bullied by this girl and the football guys. I am not a violent person, off the ice. I don't fight back with my fists, I'm too much of a frady-cat. I don't hit people, usually. Also there was always like 5 guys who did it, and they were big. 

"Yeah, I'm moving for my sophmore yeah. You won't find me, trust me." I can still feel the scars from where she would scratch my face, the bruises on my stomach and back. The broken ribs. The 2 concussions, yeah I hated this girl. No wait I think Loathe is a better word actually, yeah that works better. 

"Huh, either way, you will always have the memories that we shared together. Bye." when she brushes past me she shoulder shoves me and mutters loser. I close my eys and put my earbuds in and press play hoping to make myself somehow telaport out of this moment. I crank up the song Mean by Taylor Swift. The lyrics take over me and I want to scream them. I start doing the conductor thing with my right hand (where it goes up, down, side, in) to the beat. I run over to a wall and lean against it and continue my quirk and start humming the lyrics. I am leaning against the the wall and just being consumed out of this world. I put this song on repeat cause it makes me feel better. 

I suddenly feel a hand touch me and I flinch having a bit of a flash back. My eyes fly open to  see Carlos standing infront of me. 

"Babe, why does it look like your about to cry," His eyes swim with worry and I realize that there were tears in my eyes threatening t run down my face.

"I need Logan," I whisper when he pulls me into his arms.

"Why what's wrong?"

"I just need Logan, please," I squeeze my eyes shut as he walks speedily away. I go and sit down on a bench away from everything in an exibit that no one had a real intrest in. I pull my knees up to my chest and start up my pandora app again, only this time I go to Green Day radio. The song Holiday by them plays in my head. I curl up listening to it and have a flashback to when Logan first heard of what happened.


I am in my room with an ice pack and my laptop. I finished my home work for APUSH, honors  english, AP french and college algebra. Yesh I am pretty sure the teachers think we have no life so they decide to pile us with homework. It's a friday night and Logan is supposed to be home from LA either today or tomorrrow. I am hoping it's tomorrow cause I don't want him to see how I look.

I lay on my bed listening to Green Day's song Holiday. I start writing a new poem for all the ass-hole in my school. That's when I hear a knock at the door. I'm a junior in highschool so I honestly just leave the door locked cause I know it's probably my dad coming to make me fill out an application for a branch of the miliatry.

"Go, away!" I yell at the door putting the icepack on my eye.

"I just got here no," I recognize the voice, shit. Logan bangs on the door some more.

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