Ch.9 - Dimonds and More Tears

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Gabby's POV

Ok so last night was fantastic. We both continued to tease each other until we both crumbled, but for the record he caved first. NOT ME!!! no matter what he says, he caved in first.

It's 6 in the morning, for some reason I couldn't sleep in, so I am wide awake and now in the livivng room eating cereal.

Kendall walks in looking a little weird, like weirder than usual.

"Morning sunshine," I smile at him.

"Someone's chipper," he observes getting some coffee.

"Yeah, had a great night."

"I see. Hey can I talk to you about something?" he comes and sits down next to me.

"Yeah of course, what's up?"

"Ok, so me and Paige have been dating for almost 2 years now," he starts and I simply say aawwweee.

"Anyways I really love her, I have for a while now. And well I got her something," He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a litle black felt box. He opens it up to reveal one of the most beautiful rings I have ever seen. The silver metal formed a heart around the shiny chrystal clear diamond.

"Oh, my, god. It's beautiful, Kendall you're gonna ask her to marry you?" I was so shocked and happy.  

"Yeah, what do ya think?"

"She talks about you non-stop back at home. She is like comepletely in love with you. I think you should do it, but do not do it while we are away," I think Pixi is going to lose it.

"I was going to do it at the concert in NewYork since that was where she'salways said her favorite city."

"Ok, that is seriously adorable. Kendork, you have officially become my favorite romantic guy ever!" I whisper yell.

"Thanks," we both laugh and I give the box back to him.

"So, why did you need to talk to me? It sounds like you have it decided."

"I just needed to know I was doing the right thing. And I wanted your blessing since you're known as the head enforcer and protecter. I love her and I wasn't sure if I would be doing the right thing by doing it now."

"You have my blessing. Oh and trust me, she's been waiting for prince charming, aka you, to pop the question." I smirk.

"So here's my idea, We sing All Over Again, and I bring her on stage. Since she's gonna be visiting Family in New York we do it there. On the last verse I get down on one knew and sing to her. I ask her right as the sng is over. What do you think?" His eyes sparkle and I know that he loves her so much. I know what he means to her, especially because he always smiles when I mention her.

"She is sure to say yes, and your idea is adorable," I chuckle.

"Yeah, so I have  personal question."

"Well since you just asked me for my blessing I'll allow you to."

"What's going on with you and Carlos?" My heart begins to race, I don't want the guys to know yet.

"I don't know what your talking about?" I try to play down but I can feel my face betraying me. I get up and walk away but he gets up and puts his hands on my arms.

"Come on, I spilled my guts," he turns me around making me look into his really pretty eyes, "Now it's time for you to spill yours."

"I-I, There is nothing, except making out, sleeping and dating." I say one thing at a time and with each word Kedall's smile gets larger and larger.

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