Ch. 10 - Discovered and No Goodbyes

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A/N: Hey so for a christmas present I am updating early. I hope you guys have happy holidays and a very merry christ mas and a happy New Year:D

I hate people worrying about me, but finally I fall assleep. I get trapped inside of another memory, thankfully I fight out of it and wake up. I find no one in my room so I walk out to the kitchen to get some water.

I am startled to find Carlos there. I take a deep breath then walk over to him.

"Hi, " I weakly mumble behind him after taking one last deep breath.

"Hey, how are you?" he opens his arms and I sit in his lap and lay my head on his chest.

"I've been better," I wimper out.

"Ssshhhh it's ok, it was just a memory, it's in the past. It can't hurt you," he whispers this while rubbing my back. He kisses the top of my head and I just push my face into his chest.

"Yes it can," I mumble.

"How?" His voice is so comforting and it makes me feel safe.

"Because it's like PTSD and I have flashbacks, and it's hurting you, which I said I would never do. Because I'm shattered and messed up, even though you say it doesn't matter, I know that's a lie. I can see the pain in your eyes. I promised myself that I would never hurt you cause it would kill me." I feel my self begin to tear upmore when he pulls me closer.

"I love you no matter what, never forget that. Pain is a relative term, you know that. You haven't hurt me. It just hurts that you're going through something that I can't protect you from. That's what's hurting." His words seem so good and comforting. I breathe in his scent thenfall asleep in his arms.


"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" I hear a voice yell. Oh shit, it's Logan.

My eyes flash open and I see Logan standing over me and Carlos. Carlos still has his arm wrapped around me with our fingers intertwined.

"Logan, don't yell, I can explain everything," I say unwrapping myself from Carlos, who wakes up to find a very pissed off Logan, which is a rare sight.

"HOW CAN I-" I cut him off by putting my hand over his mouth.

"Logan shut up and Listen!" I drag him into my room, "Now I'm gonna let go, you are going to sit down, shut up and let me explain." He can be pissed off, I get even scarier than him when I get off.

He does as he's told and I stand infront of him with clenched fists. "Ok me and Carlos are dating, we have been for a little while now. He's the best thing that's happened to me in a while. He loves me and I think I might love him back, but I can't seem to say the words. He's amazing and he respects me. I haven't had to go to the rink because he somehow makes the anger leave me. He has been there when I fall apart and he's seen behind the iron curtain and he hasn't gone running, even when I let him. Logan, he's everything I ever wanted, and if you think, even for a moment, that anything you say will change it, your wrong." I let out a breath and say that he can talk.

"I was just shocked ok, 2 of my closest friends are sleeping together on a couch. That would make you wonder what the hell was going on too. I know Carlos is a good guy, but I've known you longer and my first instinct is to protect you. I love cause your practically my sister. I'm ok with you dating but if anything happens and he hurts you, he's a dead man." he jokes at the end and we hug.

"Thanks Logie," I whisper and walk out with him to find Carlos hiding behind the counter.

"Hey man, your good, come out from hiding," Logan laughs.

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