Ch. 12 - Tornado and Disappearing

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Gabby's POV

I open my eyes and realize that I was only asleep for an hour. I groan and move realizing I'm still on the chaise. I breathe in but it's shaky. I don't want to know exactly what's waiting for me out in the living room so I just run to my room to change.

I throw on some lounging shorts and a tee shirt.  There's no reason for me to care about how I look, I mean the only person I would have doesn't love me anymore. Cause I couldn't say those three damn words. I cannot believe I did that. I gave up the most important thing and I didn't fight for it, I just let it go. I deseve to have my love taken. I took it for granted. I walk out into the livingroom to see Carlos sitting by the breakfast bar. I take in a deep breath then walk over and have Niall hold me, since he knew what happened. They had a concert tonight and I was still gonna go but it hurts to look at him, or hear his voice.

"Gabs come here," Paige tells me and I follow her to her room. 

"What's up?" I say once we are in the room. 

"I was wondering if you would be one of my maids of honor?" she looked at me. I am in shock.

"Are you serious? Yes, of corse Oh my God Pixi!" I throw my arms around her neck and we both start jumping. 

"Yes, now I just have to ask Vamps. You and her will be sharing the position, cause you both got me through a lot. Hey I have another question." 

"Go ahead," I say laughing, this brightened up my day, honestly. 

"Do you love Carlos?" Why Paige why?


"Cause I was looking at the way you look at him and the way he looks at you and I know he loves you but do you feel the same?"

"Yeah, I love him, but I can't say the damn words to him. I love him with everything that I am and I can't say those words and he deserves to hear them. I'm not the best for him, he derseves someone who is whole, not broken and shattered." I say sittng on the gorund at the foot of the bed. More tears appear in my eyes.

"Don't say that, come here," she pulls me into her arms and I stay there for a while. It's quite sad that I have to be comforted because of a guy. Then again, I'm still in love with him and probably always will be.

"Babe are you- ok I'm going," Kendall walks in then sees us and leaves. I get up then run to my room. I jump onto my bed and shove my face into the pillow and scream. I ruined everything good in my life. I am like a tornado leave a path of destruction where ever I go. I hurt the person I promised I never would hurt. 

Your just like dad, never saying I love you to the person who needs to hear it. Those words echo through my head and hit sticks the knife in deeper. I cry and scream into my pillow.

"Baby girl you ok?" Logan says from the door.

"Pissy Week," I say from the pillow leading him to leave. I head to the bathroom and realize that this actually is my week, Damn It! 


I just lay in my room for the rest of the day until Paige comes in with Arizona Green Tea and sour straws, the craving all of us end up getting. 

"You too?" she asks looking at me.

I nod.

"Good, I'm not alone," she says cheerfully, she doesn't get mood swings. Which Kendall should be very relieved about that.

"So you wanna go dress shopping?"

"You just got engaged," I say.

"I was joking, jeez."

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