Ch. 4- Sight seeing and the Louve

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I am left sitting on my bed in shock as the door closes. I don't know what to say or even how to react. I want to ask a question but I have no idea who to ask, if I ask Logan he will know that it was one of the guys and it's hard to lie to him and I hate to lie to him. I decide to go to one of the 1D guys. I look for Liam but I can't find him so I go to Zayn, whose door is open and he's laying on his bed listening to music.

"Hey Zayn," I say walking into his room and closing the door, and locking it cause I don't want anyone walking in on the conversation I am about to have.

"Hey, Gabby, what's up?" he says sitting up. His upper body is exposed and I feel my self raking my eyes over his body then brining myself back to his eyes.

"I have to talk to you about something kinda personal," I say sitting criss-cross on the other side of his bed.

"Wouldn't you rather talk to Logan since he's your best friend?"

"I would but it's about dating and I don't exactly want to talk to him about it."

"Oh, and what made you come to me?" He says sitting like I am at the other end.

"It was either you or Liam and I saw your door open first."

"Gotcha, so what do you want to talk about?"

"Well, ok so I have been having this dream about a guy and it just started happening. I am in the rain and he comes running towards me to kiss me. The other was originally a day dream I had about the same guy. Then it turns out that he wants to go out with me and asked me out today, like maybe 10 minutes ago," I say really fast but thankfully he stays on.

"So it's one of the Big Time Rush guys?" I nod, "Well I don't know what to say but why not give it a try, judging by what you first told me about the dreams stuff, you obviously have subcontious feelings about him. Could you tell me who it is?" He asks.

"Carlos," I say lowly.

"Really well that's no suprise, to be honest. The way he looks at you and how he always wants to be next to you. Put his arm around you; have you lay your head on his lap. Oh and after last nights concert he wanted to go to bed in the same one where you were. He seems like a great guy from what I've seen. You should go out with him, what have you got to lose."

"Our friendship," I say scooching closer so he could hold me. I needed Logan to hold me and tell me what I needed to do, he knew me better than I know myself sometimes.

"It'll be ok, you both have feelings for each other, it'll work out, whens the date?"


"Well, it's 10 :20 now so you better decide on what to wear then once your done I'll do your hair."

"You know that's what girls do right?" I say chuckling.

"Do you see anyone else who can do hair and there are no other girls here love," he says laughing a bit then I give him a hug then leave. I unlock the door and walk back to my room.

"Are those glasses?" I hear Harry ask.

"Yeah, since someone took my contacts I am stuck with them." I sneer back, he is so not one of my favorite people right now.

"Sorry, about that kiss. I don't know what I was thinking. Can you forgive me?" he asks

"Fine, but I know it was you that swiped my contacts, give them back." I say looking him dead in the eye.

"I didn't take them, honestly, I am trying to get back on your good side, so.... why would I take something from you that would piss you off even more?" 

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